Friday, December 27, 2019
A Brief Note On Women And Elderly Abuse Essay - 1895 Words
Dammam University Nursing College Psychology (NURS-1610-115) Bridging Course 1st level Academic Year (2016-2017G 1438-1439H) Women And Elderly Abuse Prepared by: Fatima Al Rebh Mona Al Zawad Wijdan Al Mushqab Azhar Al Qatifi Supervised by: Dr. Ola Lachine Introduction: We consider the adult who is 65 years and older is elderly, and they call it the golden age, because in this age people tend to focus in the personal interests and hobbies after they accomplish all their life goals as their health retreat, and trying to gain their own autonomy, but unfortunately it is also a sad phase, because of the elderly physical status they became very exposed to such things as abuse, and commonly it is from a family member. For the women abuse also, the abusive is usually someone closed to her, the statistics shows that 1 out of 3 women have been victims of physical abuse by an intimate partner within their lifetime. Definitions: Abuse: abuse describe as a behaviors in which an individual misuses, attacks, or injures another individual. emotional. Neglect is also a form of abuse. The abuser ( abusive): Common characteristics of abusive individuals include low self concept, immaturity, fear of authority, lack of skills to meet their own emotional needs, and poor belief in harsh physical discipline , and poor impulse control, lack of relationship skills and often use alcohol or other substances to copeShow MoreRelatedPrevention of Alcohol Abuse Among Pregnant Women1306 Words  | 5 PagesPrevention of Alcohol abuse among pregnant women Introduction The drug abuse menace has been indicated to be one of the leading factors that negatively affect people at whatever stage of life right from the fetus stage to the fully grown baby and the adulthood. Of greater interest in this case is the persistent and ever increasing abuse of alcohol among other substances among pregnant women and teenagers in particular. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019
Managing Workplace Diversity Essay - 1219 Words
Diversity is a term used most often to describe the different types of race, religion, and nationalities but in today’s business world, it is used to describe the different individual behaviors of employees. Diversity is about characteristics and demographics that differ from person to person and how they affect human behavior. To understand how diversity affects the work place let us look at four types of diversity--Differences in skill and abilities, Values and attitudes, Occupation differences, and Age. Differences in skills and abilities â€Å"Aptitudes are potential abilities, whereas abilities are the knowledge and skills that an individual currently possesses.†(Schermerhorn 2003) Professionals such as Doctors, Lawyers, and even†¦show more content†¦Traditional or older workers with traditional values believe in the company over the person, quantity over quality and uniformity over diversity. New or baby boomers value economic results and social responsibility. The Hybrid or mixture of traditional and new is the young entry level workers who are more concerned with making money than they are about their futures the welfare of the society. As more and more baby boomers take over the corporate positions of retired traditionalists we are seeing a shift in the over all North American values from economic to social/personal. The impact of changing values continues to shape the way companies conduct business, treat their employees, and has resulted in the emergence of a new social conscience. Occupation Another type of diversity is occupation, with this having an impact on individual behavior. For example, an individual in a professional occupation is more likely to make her own decisions and is more likely to reject being managed too strongly. The case of a medical doctor is one example. A medical doctor considers themselves an expert in their area and is likely to consider that nobody else has the same expertise. Based on this, the individual is likely to make her own decisions and to act independently. TheShow MoreRelatedManaging Diversity in the Workplace1043 Words  | 5 PagesManaging diverse employees in a multicultural environment proves challenging to managers; yet, increasing diversity in the workplace is very beneficial for an organization. Diverse employees will provide a wider array of talents and will relate better to varied customers. Because managers have more influence than rank-and-file employees, it is imperative that managers commit to diversity of the workfor ce. Dissimilarities among people due to differences in characteristics can erode companies. FirstlyRead MoreManaging Diversity in the Workplace1356 Words  | 6 Pagesare instances, however, when workplace behavior can get out of hand and be inappropriate, causing a rift between employees. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019
The Poetry of Collins free essay sample
Among them are his juveniles, the four PERSIAN ECLOGUES; several songs; a verse epistle; and about fifteen odes. The eclogues and the epistle are largely uninspired and show only occasionally the poetic power which impresses one so much in the odes. Though most of Collins odes were written in the English Pandemic tradition, two of his better known poems, How Sleep the Brave and the Ode on the Death of Mr.. Thomson, are Horntail in form. (Poniard was a sixth century B. C. Greek poet famous for his odes celebrating victories in athletic contests; his Tyler is soaring, allusive, and complex.Horace, the model classical poet, was a first century Roman lyric poet whose style was direct and concise. ) The English Pandemic ode, though it always developed a single, central theme, meanders unpredictably through a series of situations which expand and comment on the central theme. The diction and imagery are rich and evocative, and the metrical pattern changes continually, though in an ordered system of strophe, antiheroes, and epode. The English Horntail ode, on the other hand, goes directly to the point, is based on concise statement and lain diction, and uses a single, regular metrical stanzas pattern.Collins verse exhibits at least five recurring themes. First, Collins is concerned with the role of fancy or imagination in poetry. He feels that fancy rather than reason, in the eighteenth century sense, is the essential trait of the poet and of poetry. Second, Collins is a critic of literature, and his criticism is conditioned by his concern for the imagination. He is quite dissatisfied with the literature of his own and most other periods. Third, Collins is interested in folklore and its use in literature, again mainly as a manifestation of imagination.Fourth, and at first glance rather out of character, he often emphasizes patriotic and political themes. Fifth, what almost amounts to a leitmotif rather than a conscious theme, Collins contain ally brings a psychological, almost clinical concern with emotion forward in his poems. This theme, Of course, is also tied in with the problem Of imagination, especially of Collins own imagination. Each of these five themes dominates a focal poem or group of poems; however, since each theme is related organically to the others, all or most of them appear in every poem.For example, the poems which are central to Collins ideas about the role of imagination in literature are often the same poems in which he advances his critical judgments, since these two subjects are naturally two sides of the same problem. In the Ode on the Poetical Character, Collins develops the idea that imagination is the soul of poetry. He likens the poets act of creation to Gods creation of the earth; God, like the poet, is shown creating not when he is moved by a rational plan, but by sudden inspiration and imagination.In the same poem Collins, speaking as a iterate critic, names Milton as the poet who last showed true poetic imagination. Waller, Millions contemporary and the founder of the neo- classical tradition dominant in Collins own day-?the Augustan tradition of pope and Johnson-?is presented as the unimaginative antithesis of Milton. Collins, significantly, closes the poem with the claim that imaginative greatness is denied to himself and his contemporaries.Among other poems which stress Collins critical and esthetics theory are the verse epistle to Sir Thomas Hammer, the Ode to Simplicity, which stresses iterate form, The Manners, the Ode on the Popular Superstitions. The latter, which is written to a dramatist, advances the argument that folklore should again be used as the subject of English tragedy so that the genre might again reach the peaks it attained in Greece, in Shakespearean day, and in the French tragedies of Racine and Chronicle. Collins points out that all great dramatists have used myth and folktale as a basis for their tragedies.But folklore and superstition play a more organic part in some of Collins odes, notably the Ode to Fear (one of Collins most impressive and most selected poems), and the Ode to Liberty. In these poems folklore is not a subject but a part of the poetic fabric. That is, Poniard, who was both the basis of the English lyric tradition in which Collins most often wrote, and the personal model of Collins-?the epigraph to his 1746 publication of the ODES is from Poniard s eighth Olympian Ode-?is admired for his use of myth as a means of allusion and poetic digression. It was natural that Collins, who contain ally voices dissatisfaction with the artistic techniques of his contemporaries, and who, because of his rather different poetic concerns, as naturally led to adopt the UN-Augustan, Pandemic form, should try to introduce British folklore into the ode as a substitute for obsolete classical mythology. On the other hand, and on a deeper level, Collins was interested in superstition and folklore as food for the imagination. For the poet, to immerse oneself in the dark world Of superstition was to open the gates Of imagination and to reveal powerful visions.To the reader interested in Collins as a pre-Romantic, the patriotic and political odes are something to be ignored or rationalized away as minor regression to neo-classicism. But this neglect is a mistake. Collins interest in political and social ideals permeate his poetry precisely because he is interested in the poetic imagination and is, thus, strongly pre-Romantic. The political state, in Co llins eyes, is the most important external influence on the poet; the poetic imagination, he proclaims cannot flourish where freedom, liberty, justice are not present. The fifth element in Collins poetry, the psychological element, is pervasive enough to justify the statement that, all of his other concerns not withstanding, Collins is essentially a poet of the mind and the minds injunction. We see this quality even in the Ode to Evening Collins most famous poem, which is, on the face of it, only a poem of pastoral, natural description in a typical eighteenth century mode. However, Collins is not interested in describing and evoking a natural scene for its own sake, as his friend James Thomson would have been in like circumstances.He is interested in nature as a reflection or projection of a poetic state of mind. But the most impressive effects of Collins concern for the mind in its psychological aspect are seen in his treatment of the emotions and sensibility n such poems as the Ode to Fear, the Passions, and the Ode on the Popular Superstitions. It is in these poems that we see Collins effectively using his most characteristic stylistic device, concrete personification of abstract ideas and emotional states.The poet treats the emotions as personified, allegorical figures acting out their effects in an allegorical countryside of the mind. Certain parts of the Ode to Fear, for example, are actually allegories of the mind functioning under the influence of fear. Collins addresses Fear: Thou, to whom the World unknown With all its shadowy Shapes is shown; Who sets appalled the unreal Scene, While Fancy lifts the Veil between: Ah Fear! Ah frantic Fear! I see, I see Thee near.Collins in this poem and in its companion piece, Ode to Pity, is initially concerned with the Aristotelian pronouncement that the aesthetic effect of tragedy is to arouse pity and fear in the spectator. But Collins quickly moves from this critical idea into a world in which fear itself becomes the dominating reality, an emotion that Collins begs to dominate him so that he can learn to understand it and thus successfully create great drama. In return, Collins remises to live with fear forever after.The other side of Collins psychological concern is seen in his frequently announced wish, not for passion, but for peace of mind, and in his constant wish to withdraw from the turbulence of the world. In the odes to Pity, Simplicity, Evening, and others, and in the Third Eclogue, Collins either expresses the desire to withdraw to a peaceful fantasy world, or portrays a scene of imaginary peace. The recurring symbol of the secluded cell or shrine is found in several poems. If the retreat is not into an imaginary world, it is into the past.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Tani BunchÃ…Â Example For Students
Tani BunchÃ… Biography Outline1 Biography2 Key Ideas in Painting3 Famous Paintings Made by Tani BunchÃ… Biography Tani Buncho was a talented Japanese artist and poet who managed to make a considerable contribution to the development of art in her native country. This significant man is famous for establishing an eclectic school that was developed under the influence of styles originated from China, Japan, and Western countries. Tani Buncho was brought up in a respected family of a poet and inherited a notable status of samurai. From the young age, he started to study painting style of the famous KanÃ… school, making a strong emphasis on Chinese art. After the death of his patron, young painter managed to work with teachers from many other schools and, in the long run, launched his own school of painting art. It had a symbolic name Nanboku gÃ… itsu that meant a school of both East and West. Key Ideas in Painting We will write a custom essay on Tani BunchÃ… specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Tani Buncho is considered to be the artist who introduces to the wide audience in Japan a technique of popular Western perspective. Being inspired by poetry, Buncho usually described idealized landscapes of China, sites of Japan, and traditional sceneries. As a result, the artist is best recognized for his artwork technique used for painting landscapes that is generally known as Nanga or the literati style. Besides, in his paintings, the artist happened to draw portraits of his numerous talented and innovative contemporaries and the famous poets of China who were considered to be national heroes. It is important to mention that a number of his drawings look incredibly real and some of them appear to be of the outstanding quality. Artworks of Tani Buncho are characterized with different brush strokes. Thus, types of brushstrokes can transmit the general atmosphere of the artwork and allows the painter to create perfect harmony and balance between the elements of the picture. Famous Paintings Made by Tani BunchÃ… A significant number of paintings made by Tani BunchÃ… were created in a style of Japanese brush strokes. One of his most popular drawings is â€Å"Blue and Green Landscape†that presents to the audience artist’s deep knowledge of Chinese academic painting. Another artwork is named â€Å"Li Bai Watching a Waterfall†and is characterized by energetic brushstrokes and heavy ink. It is possible to say that it presents a great example of literati painting related to the powerful Ming Dynasty, one of the ruling dynasties of the country. It is essential to mention â€Å"Copy of Willem Van Royen’s Birds and Flowers Painting,†a piece of drawing that shows the significant interest of the artist in â€Å"Dutch painting†that was also known as ranga. The artwork that depicts two camels also is quite popular among the works of the Japanese painter. It is usually defined to have the same Dutch connection as â€Å"Copy of Willem Van Royen’s Bird s and Flowers Painting;†nonetheless, unlike the copy of the famous masterpiece, this piece of art shows the author’s humorous interpretation of the literary subjects. It is obvious that Tani BunchÃ… spent many hours observing the animals before depicting them, and succeeded in showing all their grace and proud haughtiness.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Why is terrorism such a common feature of the modern world Essays
Although the U.K. has perhaps the best-known monarchy in the world, it is far from unique. Within Europe, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, the Netherlands, Belgium and Spain also function as constitutional monarchies, as do Japan and Thailand within Asia. Hereditary rulers in Africa and the Middle East (e.g. Morocco, Lesotho, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia) still retain a great deal of real power. Are these Heads of State anachronisms who should be swept away in the spirit of true democracy, or do they have much to commend them at a time when the leaders of many new republics still struggle to find popular legitimacy? ProsConsThe concept of monarchy is undemocratic. If the monarch retains any significant political powers (as they do in Belgium and the U.K. for example) these are unjustifiable. Why should the opinion of just one person, in office purely by accident of birth, be able to influence the outcome of elections (e.g. in the U.K. if no party has an overall majority in parliament) or of political decision-making (e.g. the U.K. and Belgium again, where the monarch has to sign legislation before it becomes law)? Monarchy may also be used to prop up other unjustifiable elements within the constitution, e.g. the House of Lords in the U.K.Constitutional monarchy is a very effective political system. A hereditary Head of State acts as an important element of continuity within a democratic system. The real powers (as opposed to purely theoretical ones ? no British ruler has actually vetoed an Act of Parliament since c1720) of European monarchs are negligible. But as unelected figures above the poli tical conflicts of the day, they retain an important symbolic role as a focus for national unity (very important in Belgium, for example). In Britain their right ?to advise, encourage and warn? the Prime Minister of the day has acted as a check against overly radical policies, in Spain King Juan Carlos actually faced down a military coup in the 1980s.The concept of monarchy is also inegalitarian. Even if the monarchy retains little or no political power, its presence sustains the traditional class system, sending out a message that who you are born matters more than what you make of yourself. This can stifle aspirations and lead to a culture of deference, where entrepreneurialism and individual ability are not valued. A system of royal honours may be used to tie achievers into the traditional social structures, making radical social and political change less possible.Monarchy acts as a guardian of a nation?s heritage, a living reminder of the events and personalities that have shape d it. As such it is a powerful focus for loyalty and a source of strength in times of crisis, for example World War II, and a reminder of enduring values and traditions. Separating the positions of Head of State and Head of Government also makes great practical sense; the monarchy undertakes much of the ceremonial work at home and abroad, leaving the Prime Minister free to focus more effectively upon governing.The costs of monarchy are unjustifiable. Typically monarchs and their immediate family receive substantial amounts of money from the state to maintain luxurious lifestyles, complete with servants, expensive holidays and hobbies. The state also spends a great deal to maintain and run palaces and other royal residences, which are seldom accessible to the general public who support them through their taxes. Security costs are also very high.Monarchy is highly cost-effective when compared to the expense of maintaining a Presidency with a large staff and equally stringent security requirements. Royal residences are held in trust for the nation, and would require the same upkeep costs whether they were inhabited by a monarch or not. Instead monarchy more than pays its way through its generation of tourist revenue as millions visit sites associated with royalty, and through its role in promoting trade and industry abroad on royal visits.Royal families have become national embarrassments. In an age of mass-media monarchies are no longer able to maintain the mystique which once set them apart from the common man. Instead kings, queens, princes and princesses are revealed to be mortal, fallible and sometimes foolish creatures. As their wardrobes, squabbles and failing marriages have become constant sources of media scrutiny, so any
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Literary Analysis Never Marry a Mexican Professor Ramos Blog
Literary Analysis Never Marry a Mexican Sandra Cisneros â€Å"Never Marry a Mexican†introduces readers to Clemencia. Cisneros eludes Clemencia as a woman who appears proud of her Mexican heritage, yet knows not how the slanderous phrase â€Å"Never marry a Mexican†uttered from her well-meaning mother’s trusty lips about Clemencia’s own Mexican father negatively foreshadows her seedy life and gloomy world perspective later down her destructive journey of adulthood. Simply put, Clemencia’s relationship with her mother is like she never had one (Cisneros 131) especially during the final moments of her sickly fathers life. When Clemencias mom meets a white man during her fathers hospitalization, Clemencias mom instantaneously begins dating him. Why not? Owen Lambert is definitely not Mexican. Clemencias mother seems to be in her own world as she completely disregards her life with her former husband and their children. This does not bode well for Clemencia as she holds a lot of resentment towards her mother, that will likely never resolve due to the fact that Clemencias mom is not around in the world anymore. Even though her mother may not be in this world anymore, Clemencia will always wonder why her mom did marry her father. On the other hand, Cisneros depicts Clemencia to be a bit of a â€Å"daddys girl, so the degrading way her mother talks about him as if Clemencias father is â€Å"nothing but a showoff(Cisneros 128) irks Clemencia immensely. Clemencia sees her father not as a showoff, but just like his things: calidad. Quality†(Cisneros 129). Clemencias father was not born in the US, so her own father views US Mexicans to be not on par with the Mexicans who originate from Mexico. In her father’s opinion Mexican girls who didnt know enough to set a separate plate for each course at dinner, nor how to fold cloth napkins, nor how to set the silverware†(Cisneros 127) are ridiculous. Clemencia knows not how to do these things. When Cisneros begins to describe Clemencias intimate life, Clemencia appears to be a femme fatale through the eyes of others. She has numerous affairs with married men but will never marry herself as Clemencia claims shes too romantic†(Cisneros 127). Why is that? Does she not consider herself being able to love or have someone love her? Clemencia thinks of herself as â€Å"amphibious,†a person who â€Å"doesn’t belong to any class.†When she was young, she moved away from home and lived with Ximena, whose husband recently left her. At this point, Clemencia coveted the idea of becoming an artist, hoping to be like Frida Kahlo. But she and Ximena lived in a dangerous neighborhood, where gunshots rang out all night long. This reminded Clemencia of her childhood since the two girls grew up in an even worse neighborhood. Once their father died, their mother married a white man despite their protests, justifying her decision by pointing out that she married so young that she never got the chance to be young, â€Å"your father,†she said, â€Å"he was so much older than me.†Clemencia holds this against her mother so much that she has disowned the old woman entirely. The anger Clemencia feels toward her mother has to do with the idea that her mother is disloyal to her father. In her eyes, not only has her mother betrayed her father’s love, but she’s also betrayed her cultural identity by marrying a white man, of course, this is in keeping with her mother’s belief that no woman should never marry a Mexican man. And while Clemencia seems sometimes to agree with this sentiment, she still appears to want her mother to respect her father’s legacy. As such, she condemns marriage in general, turning away from it in her own life in favor of independence. Clemencia addresses a man named Drew in her narrative, asking him if he remembers speaking Spanish to her as they make love. When Clemencia and Drew lie together, she writes, her skin is dark against his, and he calls this beautiful. He whispers Spanish into her ear while â€Å"yanking her head back by the braid.†Despite these intense moments, though, every morning he leaves before the sun rises. Still, Clemencia admits that she likes when he speaks to her in her own language; â€Å"I can love myself and think myself worth loving,†she says. When Clemencia says she can conceptualize herself as â€Å"worth loving†when Drew talks to her in Spanish during intercourse, it becomes clear that her notions of self-worth and love are entangled in a broader consideration of cultural identity. This makes sense, considering how much attention she pays to her mother’s ideas about how romance and cultural identity interact with one another. For her, then, love is a complicated mix of identity and passion. Clemencia asks Drew if his son knows the role she played in his birth. Pushing on, she insists that she was the one who convinced Drew to have the baby when his wife was pregnant, he was unsure whether or not it was a good idea to have a child, but Clemencia convinced him to not suggest that his wife get an abortion. When it finally came time for his son to enter the world, Drew wasn’t next to his wife in the hospital room; while she was in the throes of labor, he was having sex with Clemencia in the very same bed in which his son was conceived. â€Å"You’re nothing without me,†Clemencia tells him now. â€Å"I created you from spit and red dust. And I can snuff you between my finger and thumb if I want to.†Critics praise Cisneross ability to explore conflicts directly related to her upbringing, including divided loyalties, feelings of alienation, and degradation resulting from poverty. Although she addresses important contemporary issues associated with minority status throughout her two collections, critics have described her characters as idiosyncratic, accessible individuals capable of generating compassion on a universal level. Commentators laud her lyrical narratives, vivid dialogue, and powerful descriptions, applauding her poetic depictions of life as a Chicana woman, as well as her deft treatment of such controversial themes as sexism, racism, and poverty.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Most important materials science in a Power Plant Research Paper
Most important materials science in a Power Plant - Research Paper Example The conclusion looks at the overall outlook of a hydroelectric power plant touching on its main aspects. Hydroelectric power involves extraction of energy from water that is utilized to turn turbines. These turbines run generators that then produce the electricity in question here. The fact behind this is that rain or water falling on the surface of the earth contains potential energy, which is relative to the direction where its drainage is; it can be a lake, sea, or ocean (Krishnaswamy and Bala 107). The water has to fall against a certain vertical distance to gain maximum amount of energy that will turn the turbines to enhance efficient production of electricity. The amount of power produced in hydroelectric power plants is a little less than that produced in nuclear and thermal power plants. During peak hours, the power produced in the hydroelectric power plants is used by the other power plants, thermal and nuclear, to deliver power to the required sites efficiently. The paper describes materials used in hydroelectric power plants. A hydroelectric power station has to consist of a dam that collects water to a certain height for it to attain the maximum required energy to run turbines. The dam is constructed by incorporating a thick wall across the pathway of a river; all season river. The wall varies in thickness; whereby the base is thicker than the top. The reason as to this is to contain the water since pressure at the bottom is greatest risking breakage of the wall if it is not strong enough. A dam straddles a river, hence blocking the water flow. It collects in the upper part of the dam to form an artificial lake or dam; known as a reservoir (Ahmed, Petersen, and Arvanitides 76). Damming a river changes the kinetic energy in water to potential energy: This could be explained well by using an example of a battery. A battery has stored energy that is not in
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Diagnstic Advance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Diagnstic Advance - Essay Example Taking a more specific approach by focusing on one organization such as Walt Disney World, gives a better illumination of the application of market segmentation and product differentiation as highly effective marketing strategies. Walt Disney World has arguably divided its target market into five main segments namely Studio Entertainment, media networking, Parks and Resorts, interactive media, and Consumer Products. Disney’s segments are then developed individually by focusing on possible improvements on each segment. However, the segments are indirectly dependent on each other with each segment seeming to improve the other. For example, through studio entertainment and media networks people around the world are aware of characters like Mickey Mouse among others. As such, providing people with a chance to see such characters in real life rather than on televisions is a major boost for the parks and resorts. Furthermore, the popularity of Walt Disney characters has also fueled the success of interactive media through increased sales of such products as console games. Additionally, Disney World produces consumer goods such as toys that are representations of the highly renowned characters thereby boostin g performance of the consumer products segment. Moreover, Disney World has achieved great success emanating from its media networks segment that provides broadcasting mainly via the Disney/ABC Television Group and ESPN Inc. Creation of market segments has enabled Walt Disney to create a strong brand that propels performance of each segment with a major focus on family as a whole consequently contributing to success of the entire organization. Disney World has also employed product differentiation marketing strategy in its operations giving it competitive advantage. In entirety, Walt Disney’s productions are seemingly
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Accounting Practical Set Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Accounting Practical Set - Assignment Example Even if there is profit in the income statement, investors need to look at the cash flow statement to measure actual cash balance of the company. This report will provide an analysis of the cash flow statement and income statement. It will consider why the cash balance has decreased even though a profit has been achieved. This report is based on the information provided by Mr Albert Clarence. The limitation of this project is that it is short time project. Thus detailed analysis will be short. Income Statement might be characterized as a financial statement that measures an organizations financial execution over a particular accounting period. Financial execution is evaluated by giving an outline of how the business acquires its incomes and costs through both working and non-working exercises. It likewise demonstrates the net profit or loss caused over a particular accounting period, normally over a fiscal year or fiscal quarter. Balance Sheet could be characterized as a financial articulation that compresses an organizations liabilities, assets and equity of the shareholders at a particular point in time. These three asset report sections give speculators a thought in respect to what the organization claims and owes, and the sum contributed by the shareholders. Cash flow statement could be characterized as an income or cost stream that changes a cash account over a given period. Cash inflows normally emerge from one of three exercises - financing, operations or contributing - despite the fact that this likewise happens as an after effect of gifts or donations on account of particular fund. Cash outflows result from costs or ventures. This holds valid for both business and any personal account. Accrual Accounting might be characterized as an accounting technique that measures the execution and position of an organization by perceiving various economic occasions paying little respect to
Friday, November 15, 2019
Detailed Accessibility Optimization Positioning Analyzer
Detailed Accessibility Optimization Positioning Analyzer Abstract Our application interface provides interesting and vital stats, such as the total number of backlinks (including the type: text, image, redirects, etc.), unique domains and distinct referring IPs and subnets. Software is an essential tool for in research, analysis and management. It uses its own bot and its own index, which they state is based on information from hundreds of billions website connections. SERP listings are the natural listings generated bysearch enginesbased on a series of metrics that determines their relevance to the searched term. Webpages that score well on a search engines algorithmic test show in this list. These algorithms are generally based upon factors such as the content of a webpage, the trustworthiness of the website, and external factors such as backlinks, social media, news, advertising, etc. One of the main features of Application is its Explorer, where you have the option of choosing a specific URL, the domain with all sub domains or the domain with no sub domains. Aside from the overview analysis, you’re provided with a slew of other research options to choose from, including: †¢ Crawled pages †¢ Referring domains †¢ SERP †¢ Raw export of the data. †¢ Links. †¢ Report. Module Analytic panel This module deals with the detailed graphical report for the domains, reports can be fetched for multiple domains even comparison between domains is possible. Software uses bots, crawlers and indexing for fetching details reports that can be used for analysis. A referring domain is the domain that backlinks are coming from. This shows a comprehensive list of all the TLD’s and shows how many links on different domains have been earned. Also when a particular TLD is selected or even if all TLD’s are selected, you get the domain rank, the number of backlinks from a particular site, the date when it was first seen along with the domain name. The top-level domain names are installed in theroot zoneof the name space. For all domains in lower levels, it is the last part of thedomain name, that is, the last label of afully qualified domain name Application again divides the report into new and lost domains where if you select the option out of new or lost, you will be presented the data on that selected option. So, if you have earned links on 5 domains or lost links from 6 domains, the record for the same will appear in graphs. In addition to that, you will get the report on the rank, and the referring domains too based on your selection and also the specified time. A record on which IP your backlink is appearing on could also be derived from this tool. This also lets you know the popularity and which region or IP to target for getting more backlinks. You get the rank of that IP, followed by the referring domains and backlinks from the same domain and the network. Application get a complete breakout based on the keywords for which you are getting backlinks, Number of referring domains, reference domains using the keyword as anchor, backlinks count on the domains and the backlinks count with anchor on the domains. A backlink is a link on another website that points to your site. In basic link terminology, abacklinkis any link received by a web node (web page, directory, website, ortop level domain) from another web node. Inbound links were originally important (prior to the emergence of search engines) as a primary means ofwebnavigation; today, their significance lies insearch engine optimization (SEO). The number of backlinks is one indication of the popularity or importance of that website or page. You also get the record of the number of external and internal links with this tool. You could specify the period for which you want to know how many links have your earned and how many have been lost. The calendar will show the number of backlinks that you have earned for a particular day. Knowing the number of new and lost links along with their comparison is quite easy. If there is no option selected, you will get the graphical representation of the number of new and lost links together in the graph. With the help of the tool get the HTTP code which shows the exact status of the page. Also you get the anchor text and the URL, followed by the period when the link was added or removed with the type of the link. Module Reports Knowledge is power. It doesn’t matter how driven you might be or how creative you might be, because you really need to arm yourself with the kind of data and information if you want to enjoy any kind of success. And in the case of an online business, getting a firm grasp on demographics, links and SEO is positively paramount. Our software has an independent tool for SEO analysis with a wide range of features. All data received in SEO tools can be exported in .CSV. A huge amount of data is accumulated in the process of our crawler’s. We plan to use this information to find possible errors on sites. This gives us a tool able to detect any SEO issues and display possible solutions to fix them. Hypertext Transfer Protocol(HTTP) response status codes include codes fromIETFinternet standardsas well as other IETFRFCs, other specifications and some additional commonly used codes. The first digit of the status code specifies one of five classes of response; the bare minimum for an HTTP client is that it recognizes these five classes. Meta elements can be used to specify page description, keywords and any othermetadatanot provided through the otherheadelements and attributes. Meta elements provide information about the web page, which can be used by search engines to help categorize the page correctly. Theno indexvalue prevents a page from being indexed, and no followprevents links from beingcrawled. Other values recognized by one or more search engines can influence how the engine indexes pages, and how those pages appear on the search results. Module Manage Backlinks Statics is designed to analyze links. A variety of filters and option to sort, you can select links by almost any parameter. Also they can be sorted by social metrics. Use this Backlink Analyzer to scan the links of a specific page and get the important statistics in Pie Charts Graphs. The Report will provide you with useful information regarding: The Incoming Links of the Page The PageRank The Domain Authority Internal External Links and Followed No-Followed Links Various Statistics about the Backlink Type Link Quality Amention(also known [emailprotected], not to be confused withmetadata tagsorhash tags) is a means by which a blog post references or links to a users profile. This may be done as a matter of getting the attention of (or drawing attention to) another user of a social networking or blogging service, as a matter of replying to the other users post, or as a matter of tagging a user in a post Quickly compare the metrics of up to several hundred URLs or domains. Enter domains or URLs in the text field and click Start. Application will collect all data and show you the metrics in a single table with the options to sort and export.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
An Inspector Calls Play Essay
‘An Inspector Calls’ has been called ‘a play of contrasts’. Write about how Priestley presents some of the contrasts in the play. In the play there are wide differences in not only the treatment of Sheila Birling and Eva Smith but also large contrasts in the girls themselves- with Eva being a poor uncared for girl and Sheila being a privileged upper-middle class girl. This not only separates them as they would be unable to fully empathise with each other as they experience widely contrasting lives. This is shown as Mr Birling says â€Å"but I see no point in mentioning the subject – especially -(indicating Sheila.)†The quote paired with the stage direction highlights Mr Birling’s attempts to prevent Sheila from being exposed to the situation. This is done as they feel that Sheila should be protected from merely hearing the awful situations that some girls have to endure. This concern is in contrast with how they view Eva Smith as both p arents have minimal concern for the fact that they are partly responsible for Eva having to live on the streets. ‘There’s nothing I can tell him. I told the girl to clear out, and she went.’ The use of ‘nothing’ indicates how Mr Birling views the situation of Eva, as if it was ‘nothing’ that he was at fault for Eva being on the streets and out of a job- a contrast to the sheltered life he creates for Sheila. At both ends of the play there is contrast in the language used by Inspector and Birling in their speeches. The early speech by Mr Birling is one with a much happier and self-supporting view of society compared to the later one by the Inspector which holds a tone of finality and encompasses the idea of being responsible for everyone around you. Both speeches talk of the responsibility we have however; where the Inspector talks of responsibility for all- ‘We don’t live alone.’ Mr Birling means to say that we are responsible for ourselves and no more- ‘. We employers at last are coming together to see that our interests’ These speeches indicate the attitudes held by the speaker clearly, with Mr Birling showing concern for ‘we employers’ highlights the socialist view held by Mr Birling as he views they employers as one while entity that need to protect and look after each other with minimal concern for the rest of society.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Lawsuit for Call Center Fabulous County, Florida for a sum of money Essay
There was a saying that business is business. Sustainability of a firm depends upon production and it is always measured by the amount of money earned. In some cases collectibles are difficult to handle. In fact it is one of the known business risk – the delivery now and pay later deals. Too many establishments failed due to laxity on issues such as collection especially in the payments of bad accounts. Collection Committee should send a registered mail to the Call Center Fabulous Country indicating the exact amount of money to be collected including penalties if any. The committee on collection must also decide the cut-off period if there is no given grace period on payments indicated in the agreement or stipulated in the contract. Moreover, the agreement must be read thoroughly before initiating a suit so that all angles are carefully studied and properly explored. The committee should know that there are rights to discretion proper to a specific type of businesses. For instance, a call center provides business transaction globally which mean that any disruption in their services with regards to the services your company provides may cause more damage than the amount being collected. Upon making a thorough review of the situation and in case that the Call Center Company stated did not respond or make a written reply to the Collection Committee, immediate action on the filing of suit should take place at a small court in a county where the party being sued or where the signing of agreement took place (Balovich, 2006). Legal services is expensive and vary depending on states therefore, the collection committee must try to use all its capabilities in making a collection with the use of proper business ethics. There could be easy way of handling collection than a lawsuit in fact one of the biggest points to consider before doing so is to ask the following question. Is the amount being collected proportionate to the expense incurred in litigation? Aside from money involved, what will be the social costs and consequences of the action? Filing a case on claims involves time and energy and responsibility of the Collection Committee to handle diligently. Some overdue collection depends largely on how it is done. There are ways to expedite the collection of payments. For example, making sure that your contract indicates when is the payment due and to whom you deal with. Second, indicating clearly that payment is due on a very specific date or writing in the invoice with this clause: penalty will be incurred due to late payments. Meantime it is also good to request payment in advance (Examiner, 2005). Knowing your clients is also the best strategy in providing solutions to problem in collecting due payments. It is good to find out where they stand and what their next move is. Bankruptcy Code indicates in Chapter 11 that â€Å"debtor usually proposes a plan of reorganization to keep its business alive and pay creditors over time (Judiciary). Overdue payments are also company’s loss even if payments are collected, taking into consideration the cost of money lost through time. Some business or corporations can seek the help of the court of bankruptcy and it would mean losing the game with them. Part 2: Draft of a sale agreement on the sale of used computer equipment to a Call Center Company            A contract is define as a meeting of the mind or mutual understanding of any pursuit; In brief it is a mutual consent. Therefore, it is good to know the points legally by understanding the cause and effect of the act may it be personal or corporate initiatives. References on contracts may be applicable but it is always good to consult with an attorney (Balovich, 2006).            Drafting a sale agreement usually includes common terms indicated in the general deed of sale. However sales agreement on used items may have exemptions like the term â€Å"as is where is basis (VISTEON INC.).† The agreement must be clear that the seller is selling used equipments.            It is also important to include in the draft the following details: the correct name of both parties because it is always a foot forward to know whom you are dealing with (Examiner, 2005). It must also include the complete description of the items including serial numbers of the equipment, the number of pieces and the exact price of that equipment being sold.            The committee chairman had explained that the call center is going to pay your company in four monthly instalments meaning at five hundred dollars a month. Before doing so, it must be clear how these sums will be collected and if penalty will be charge for late payments. Normally, used items are paid in cash but it is your company’s discretion that they opted for this agreement. However it is good advice to plan for an advance collection since two months is too much to wait for a two thousand dollar bill. It is also important to check on the taxes to be paid by selling used equipments and who is going to pay for it before the total amount on the agreement is written. The tax exemption identification card is listed normally below the buyer’s signature (VISTEON INC.).            There are also clauses in the contract that must be taken in consideration such as termination of the contract since the agreement includes a two month pay period. It could be at the disadvantage of the company if the items sold are returned during the pay period because of the other party misuse or negligence. Much more if a refund would be asked. These two major risks must be well thought of by the committee before the agreement is drafted.            Terms and conditions of the draft agreement must include a written approval of the committee. It is also important that details are discussed in meetings before finalizing a draft. A lot can be taken into consideration through consultation since being new means there are still a lot to learn. For this reason a complete knowledge of the company policy and history is needed to deal with its customer successfully. Part 3: Fraud and trespassing or violation of 3 call center employees regarding company rules.            It is difficult to give evidence on pre-empt unlawful act or an action that did not took place. For instance verbal information that so and so is trying to steal money by falsifying company invoice. In fact stealing is a grave crime to be committed voluntarily by an employee. The only evidence is that they should be caught with the false invoices but according to the situation the three employees got arrested even before they have committed the crime. In fact the only strong evidence is that they broke into the call center at night. These employees can be charged of unlawful use of company equipments since they should not be working outside of the schedule the company has intended for them. However there are also cases that workers get back to work at night but this must be approved by their supervisor as overtime.            Employee’s misbehaviour is dealt first by the human resource department.  There could be major implications on the company’s image due to the immediate arrest of the three call center workers. Sandra Robinson an expert on employee-employer relations and workplace deviance said that even the best employees can be dysfunctional because of poor management (Keen, 2006).            It is also important for managers and supervisors that arrest of people without due evidence is tantamount to abuse in human rights of which these workers can file a suit on moral damages to the Fabulous Call Center Company.  All citizens are given due process of law and to inflict others with committing serious crime without solid evidence is also a serious offense.            Moreover, call center operates on a tight security level and they make sure that data are verified accurately before anyone is given access to information (Diaphonics, 2006). No employees are allowed to enter the premises within the authorize time. To break into an office at night could seem impossible because of the tight security measures that all call center company enforces.  Just within its perimeter area, at the entrances, or being on the floor, break periods, the lockers and lounges are controlled by the operation and security group. It is a bit impossible that three people could just break in when in fact modern technology misuse can lead to hardware theft. There is no use for people to break in since hackers can use wireless technology in committing crimes.            At any instance, if the employees broke into an office a trespass warning is issued by the police (Tech, 1999). The human resource department should terminate employment on the basis of not following company rules and office procedures. However, there are legal basis in doing so. There is a great deal to settle with labour disputes than dealing with how the controversy occurred. Management has the right to look further whether someone’s interest is upheld at the expense of others. Part 4: Outline for a Mortgage Agreement for a purchase of a building. What is a secured and unsecured debt and what happens in case of default?            Probably since it is a law firm who is making a purchase through mortgage mean that it is equipped with the legal terminologies and procedure to conduct its transaction. However the one in charge on the procurement of the bigger building is a project manager who could be better of with building operations than with legal proceedings. Making an outline to assist the project manager could be very helpful but there is a lot of information that could be taken from him because based on his position he knows the project. He knows whether there will be cost on renovations or building repair and maintenance which will be an additional on cost for the building. Other costs on building operations may deplete the payment schemes especially if the structure was purchased through a mortgage.            Before making an outline on the mortgage it is important to talk with the project manager first so that the building that is intended to be bought or to be constructed is free from liens and encumbrances. Basic knowledge on procuring a building for a specific need say an office building is a must. It is important whether the structure is fit for the intended use. Project managers normally have knowledge of their operations and provide systems for functionality. They are the key to abate risks that are sometimes encountered in building procurement. Project managers talents are tested on time and cost management and they are the professional that assist the owner in project delivery which pertains to buildings (Massachusetts, 2004).            Mortgage agreements includes clauses such as: purchase price and warranties, authorized person to purchase and the person in charge in the mortgage company and its assigns with the proper addresses, definitions of terms, and building warranties (Findlaw, 1999). Since the money will be lent by a bank it is important to know the cost of money with the law firm cash flow.            It is important to know the monthly amortization with the principal amount being borrowed and this must be discussed thoroughly how debts will be paid by the Owner. It is good to think this way since banks usually operates not only on how they are paid but more on how they can foreclose a property. Determining the cash flow will also guide the buyer how much will be given to secured and unsecured debt.            Alan Barnes a certified debt arbitrator and president of Debt Regret defines in his article that â€Å"secured debt as a debt in which the creditor maintains a security interest in an item or piece of personal property (Barnes, 2005).† As described above banks play in this notion of having an interest on the item being procured. The amount of money lent is collateralized by the property and the drawback to this is when the amount borrowed is not sufficient to buy the building. That remaining amount can be called unsecured debt. However, the balance on the purchase of the property is still the responsibility of the buyer. Unsecured loans can be settled through debt programs successfully therefore much pliable to handle than the secured debt.            Mortgage law varies from one state to another. It is important that the terms of mortgage indicates profoundly the right of the lender to recover his purchase in case of default in payment and to find out if the lender has interest over the property. It is also best to calculate and find provisions on how the payments can be made without default. Initially, expansion means prosperity but managing a bigger family means high risk, transferring into bigger buildings can be a more productive effort but does not always mean more money. Sometimes it is more on spending on real property which cost can be recovered in a number of years. References Balovich, D. (2006). Small Claims Court For Debt Collection And Disputes [Electronic Version]. Retrieved 07 February 2008 from Barnes, A. (2005). What is the Difference Between Unsecured and Secured Debt? [Electronic Version]. Retrieved 09 February 2008 from Diaphonics. (2006). CALL CENTRE GATEWAY SECURITY [Electronic Version]. Retrieved 09 February 2008 from Examiner, T. (2005). Collecting Payment Due The Better Business Bureau offers the following tips to speed up the payment process: [Electronic Version]. Retrieved 08 February 2008 from,0,w. Findlaw. (1999). Sample Business Contracts [Electronic Version]. Retrieved 09 February 2008 from Judiciary, T. F. Reorganization Under the Bankruptcy Code [Electronic Version]. Retrieved 09 February 2008 from Keen, C. (2006). UF study: Even good employees act up if supervisors mistreat them [Electronic Version]. Retrieved 09 February 2008 from Massachusetts, T. C. o. (2004). OWNER’S PROJECT MANAGER GUIDELINES [Electronic Version], 7 pages. Retrieved 09 February 2008 from Tech, T. (1999). Police log [Electronic Version]. Retrieved 09 February 2008 from VISTEON INC. USED EQUIPMENT SALES AGREEMENT [Electronic Version]. Retrieved 09 February 2008 from
Friday, November 8, 2019
Edward MacDowell essays
Edward MacDowell essays Edward Alexander MacDowell (1860-1908) was one of the most well known composers in the nineteenth century and as also one of the first to gain international recognition. His native land not only accepted but encouraged him-and heaped praise upon him, often so extravagantly as to put his sensitive nature ill at ease. (539, Kingman) Very talented at the piano and a great composer, Macdowell is one of the first American composers to win international praise. He stands critically as one of the pioneers of artistic music in our nations history. Not only is his music compelling, his personal life is also quite eventful. Born on December 18th 1860, Edward MacDowell was a musically and artistically talented as a boy who started piano lessons at the age of eight with Juan Buitratgo, a violinist living with MacDowells at the time. Later he studied with a Cuban friend of Juans, Pablo Desvernine, and also took occasional lessons from Teresa Carreno, another of Juans friends. In April of 1876, Edward, his mother, and Juan moved to Paris, France so he could better his studies. On October 31, 1877 he was accepted at a music academy called the Conservatoire. In that year he won a full ride scholarship and admission award as a regular piano student. On September 9, 1878 MacDowell withdrew from the Conservatoire to move to Germany to continue his piano studies. At the end of July of 1880, MacDowell came back to America to teach lessons of his own. One of his students was his future wife Marian Griswold Nevins Then in 1881 the Darmstadt Conservatory, where he taught for one year, appointed him piano instructor. His reason for leaving was that his profession gave him little time to compose. After creating such successful works as First Modern Suite op.10 and his First Piano Concerto, he realized that he had a talent for composing. He decided to ask advice from his former friend and teacher Teresa Car...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
The Inferno Essays - LZ 129 Hindenburg, Paul Von Hindenburg
The Inferno Essays - LZ 129 Hindenburg, Paul Von Hindenburg The Inferno Subject: History The Hindenburg The Inferno The arrival of the Hindenburg, thirteen hours behind schedule, at Lakehurst, New Jersey, on the evening of May 6, 1937, promised to be routine. The ship had an unblemished safety record on eighteen previous Atlantic crossings. In fact, no passenger had ever lost his life on any commercial airship. Still, because this was the beginning of the most ambitious season yet for airship voyages, reporters, photographers and news reel cameramen had their eyes and lenses focused on the great dirigible as it approached. When disaster struck it was sudden. Without warning flames gushed from within the Hindenburg's hull; thirty-two seconds later the airship lay on the ground, ravaged. Never had the sights and sounds of a disaster in progress been so graphically documented. Within a day, newspaper readers and theater audiences were confronted by fiery images of the Hindenburg. Radio listeners heard the emotional words of newsman Herb Morrison, sobbing into his recorder, "It's burning, bursting into flames, and it's falling on the mooring mast and all the folks. This is one of the worst catastrophes in the world. . . . Oh, the humanity and all the passengers!(Marben 58)" When this floating cathedral, called the Hindenburg, burst into a geyser of flaming hydrogen there was a tremendous impact on the public, although two thirds of the people on board survived. Two theories about why it happened surfaced and this tragedy put an end to the short age of these massive airships. The demise of the Hindenburg had a searing impact on public consciousness that far surpassed the bare statistics of the calamity. Men and women escaped, even from this inferno. One elderly lady walked out by the normal exit as though nothing had happened and was unscratched. A fourteen-year-old cabin boy jumped to the ground into flames and smoke. He was almost unconscious from the fumes when a water-ballast bag collapsed over his head. He got out. One passenger hacked his way through a jungle of hot metal using his bare hands. Another emerged safely, only to have another passenger land upon him and cripple him. One man, at an open window with every chance to jump to safety, went back into the flames to his wife, both died. The final count was 36 dead, including 13 passengers. Nearly two thirds, of the 97 persons on board survived, but that fact was forever obscured, and the name Hindenburg became comparable only to the name Titanic(Abbott 69). Of all airship crashes, Hindenburg's remains the most mysterious and the most contentious, partially because of its fame. Many theorists were attracted to the idea of sabotage. An incendiary device could have been positioned at the place the fire started. There was an access ladder from the keel as well as a ventilation shaft to fan the flames(124). The most attractive aspect of the sabotage theory is timing. Had the airship arrived on time at six o'clock in the morning a bomb timed for after seven p.m. would not have caused the horrifying casualties(125). In the absence of any real evidence to support the theory, some have been tempted to provide the villain instead. Max Pruss, captain at the time of the crash, eventually came to suspect a certain passenger(125). Others have chosen members of the crew. But not only did the American investigators fail to find any evidence of sabotage, the Gestapo investigation was equally negative. Unconvinced by this, some of the sabotage theorists have made the whole thing into a Nazi plot(Marben 87). Many explanations fit the circumstances without the "sensational" solutions. The presence of free hydrogen deep inside the ship can be attributed to various causes. The very slow approach-speed of the airship, after valving gas, might well have left some gas residue in the shafts. The tail heaviness, noticed by the elevator man, might have been the result of a gas leak(Abbott 251). The only other necessary ingredient is the spark. Both American and German investigators agreed that some form of static discharge was the source of the fire(250). The burning of the Hindenburg made it clear once and for all that dirigible travel was merely a blind alley in the evolution of flight. The giant airships' remaining loyalists were abandoned, along with Gill Robb Wilson, the landing supervisor at Lakehurst that fateful evening, "Those of us long in the air know what it is to reach out in salute to the embodiment of our hopes, and suddenly find our fingers filled with ashes(Marben 59)."
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Business Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 9
Business Law - Essay Example Especially from the point of view of securing intellectual property rights, social media mocks at those thinking of this. The speed of information dissemination and exchange is so fast on internet that by the time one finalizes of a website or trademark of web address, another person wins in getting a similar or exact copyright. Also, contractual agreements with employees on the issue of reasonable use of company resources and abiding by the privacy and security rules of company’s information are also at stake. Employees today generally ‘friend’ their competitors on social networking sites like Facebook, Orkut and twitter and reveal many of the important and sensitive company information to other through posts and tweets which is available for others to look at and comment upon. This gives rise to unethical marketing practices and organizational gimmicks which ultimately lead to more litigations and breaches of contracts. From the widespread use of social media, it seems as if people are managing what they actually do not understand properly. In order to expand the friend list at social networking sites, employees and even bosses ‘friend’ their competitors also which can damage the reputation of the company and place potential legal issues on posting and sharing confidential and damaging information over internet. From both legal and ethical standpoints, this seems to be a grave situation as boundary line between communication channels and privacy barriers is getting blurred due to the usage of social media. Businesses need to have more control, monitoring and action steps program in place because social media can become a fierce tool in the hands of ‘disgruntled’ employees to embarrass the company. Similarly, contracts with employees also need to be watched carefully as no one knows which employee is actually working for the benefit of the company and
Friday, November 1, 2019
Short and Medium-Term Loan in the UAE Policies and Procedures Research Paper
Short and Medium-Term Loan in the UAE Policies and Procedures - Research Paper Example The financial institute considered for the purpose of this report is HSBC Bank Middle East Ltd. This bank for the purpose of granting the loan to the company shall make a complete review of the financial position of the company. The financial analysis would include a cash flow analysis, analysis of the various ratios like profitability ratio, liquidity ratio and gearing ratio, an analysis by the long-term creditor and examination of the collateral securities that the company has to offer to the bank for the loan purpose. The cash flow analysis flashes a detailed view of the inflow and outflow of cash into and from the business respectively. Pertaining to the income statement the operating cash flow shows the increase and decrease in cash. The cash flow showing the investments depicts the increase and decrease in assets. The various kinds of ratios are studied thoroughly to bring out the actual position of the company. The ratios that are studied, contributes to knowing the various as sets and liabilities and their impact individually and as a whole on the business unit. The various ratios studied are profitability ratio, liquidity ratio, and leverage ratio. The analyses of these ratios provide a clear picture of not only the company’s assets and liabilities but also forecasts possible profits and losses of the enterprise. The various provisions provided by HSBC Bank Middle East Ltd. are studied and the various kinds of loan that this bank has for its customers are also keenly observed. According to the requirements of an individual or a business customer, loans may be chosen by the customer from the bank. The processes and procedures involved in obtaining the loan are closely observed and recommended accordingly. The business environment of UAE and the various provisions for the foreign investors are enumerated in details. The various aspects that UAE takes a heed of apart from facilitating business activities in the country are also keenly studied. The f acility of free zone is largely talked about including its advantages and also the various barriers that a foreign investor may face in UAE are discussed. The advantages of local rather Emirati–owned business unit over the foreign investors are also included in the discussion. Table of Contents Executive Summary 2 The Nature and Purpose of Loan Requested By the Customer 6 Bank’s Policy In Terms of Granting Loans 7 Types and Nature of Financial Information the Customers Are Required To Furnish To Support the Purpose of the Loan 10 Types of Analysis the Banks Usually Do 11 Types and Nature of Security the Bank Usually Ask For 14 Impact of the Most Recent Downturns of the Economy and Massive Business Failures of HSBC Bank Middle East 15 Bank’s Specialization on Handling Such Loans 16 Any Government Incentive And Or Support the Banks Receive In Handling Such Loans 17 UAE’s Business Environment Facilitating Emirati-Owned Businesses 17 Conclusion 19 References 21 Introduction The lending institutions are generally seen to offer loans for different periods based on the purpose of the loan, such as short–term, long–term, and medium–term. In the context of business, the short-term loans that are offered by the banks are usually to curb the needs of working capital of the business. These working capital needs of a company may range from raw materials purchase, electricity bills to be paid and payment of taxes among others. Â
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Microeconomics Current events Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Microeconomics Current events - Assignment Example The decline in Colombian coffee production can be well grasped from the statistics that in the year 2006 the country produced more than 12 million pound bags of coffee and was optimistic to take this number to more than 17 million by 2014. However the catastrophe that has been illustrated so far has restricted the Colombian coffee production at nine million pounds bags in the year 2010. This displays a decline instead of much expected rise. Research has been going on to form a suitable Arabic coffee variant with indigenous qualities of Colombia that would be more resistant to pests and would be able to flourish even amidst heavy rain, however the final outcome is yet to be found. Courting this deadline in supply on one hand and rise in global demand for coffee on the other; price of the same is on a rise. The retail price of coffee coming from famous brands has risen by 25% and the figure in futures market is even higher at 85%. The consequences for the Colombian coffee and the eventual impact on global coffee market from the same are following a simple logic. First of all global warming and erratic climatic condition are mostly due to anthropocentric activities over hundred of years; especially after the industrial revolution. Secondly the decline in supply and rise in demand for the coffee (following an improvement of economic status of the population of the countries like India and China) has quite obviously resulted in a price rise in short run (excess demand). Again the scenario hovering global warming and the global climatic condition does not seem too bright in future; hence little hope is there that the production of coffee will be blessed with environmental favour once again in near future resulting in higher supply for the same.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Abuelitas Beans Essay Example for Free
Abuelitas Beans Essay Nothing can be more enticing to a nose than waking up to the delicious aroma of simmering beans. The scent compels one to peal away the comforter and stagger into the kitchen for a bowl of creamy delicious beans. Pinto beans have been a staple in Mexican cuisine for hundreds of years, and every family has his/her own recipe. I recall, as a young girl growing up in a large, Mexican family, that there was always a large pot of legumes ready to nourish twelve mouths for less than five-dollars. Dad always ended his meal rubbing his barrel stomach while saying his favorite aphorism, â€Å"Pansa llena, corazon contento†(â€Å"Full belly, happy heart†), which always meant that the beans were delicious. Here is Abuelita’s recipe to fill the tummy of those that are endearing to one’s heart. Cooking beans really is not that hard. First, gather the supplies needed: one, five-quart slow-cooker with a ceramic liner with a glass lid cover, a sturdy plastic cooking spoon ( Abuelita always said that one should never stir the beans with a metal spoon or they will stick and burn.I obey her. ), one-pound dried pinto beans, one-half aromatic white onion, two fresh garlic cloves, water, and two tablespoons kosher salt. Several people have asked me, â€Å"Why a slow-cooker? †Well, all the women in the family cook the legumes in a cazuela (an earthenware pot made of clay). The cookware is either given to the bride at her wedding with hopes that her culinary endeavors will produce a happy marriage, or it is an inheritance from her mother or grandmother. The beans have a better taste if cooked in the cazuela, at least that is what the women in my family declare. I on the other hand, embrace the beauty of the slow cooker; it frees me to leave the house to run errands, and I have never endured stinky-burned beans. Once all the supplies and ingredients have been gathered and prepped, proceed by placing beans in a colander. Rinse the beans and run them through one’s hands to make sure debris is washed away, and small stones are picked out. Put the beans into the slow-cooker and cover them with water. Furthermore, add all the ingredients in the cooker. Except for the salt. Set the temperature at high for six to eight hours. After one hour, the earthy aroma starts to penetrate the whole house, reminding one of what will be for consumption. Please, if you want plump beans do not stir the beans during the first two hours. After approximately three hours, check to see if water is needed, due to water evaporation, and the legumes absorb a lot of water. Always add hot water never cold because the cold temperature lowers the heat and toughens the beans. Once another three hours has past, test the legumes for doneness. I was told when one bites into a bean, it should be soft and creamy. As a result from respecting the process, and not disturbing them, the pot liquid will have thickened leaving a delicious dark chocolate color broth for a healthy soup. Lastly, but not least, it is time to salt the beans. Add two tablespoons of kosher salt and stir with a wooden or plastic spoon. Go ahead and taste the broth and decide if more salt is needed. Always remember to gradually add salt to the beans since adding is easier than extracting. In the end, set the temperature to warm and ladle beans into the bowl of one’s choice. In conclusion, if an individual follows these simple steps of gathering supplies, for example, a slow-cooker, it will make the process of cooking worry free. Basically, pinto beans are easy to make, but easier to consume any time of day, resulting in everyone rubbing his/her tummy’s with contentment. â€Å"Buen Provecho! †(Enjoy your meal).
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Perfume Essay -- essays research papers
(Continue from page 310, after "For the First time they had done something out of love") Grenouille does not feel dead oddly enough. One would figure after being torn to shreds and devoured by cannibals that your life would be over and you would be no more. However why does Grenouille's feel alive as if life had just begun? He sits there, feeling no physical presence to call his own and yet he feels vibrant and exhilarated. Like the many scents memorized throughout his life, thousands upon thousands of options as to why life is still felt by Grenouille flow through his mind. He knows that this is not physically possible, so he must think of it in another arena, not just physically. After many days of transparent being and thought, Grenouille has come to a major conclusion. His quest for the perfect scent must not be finished and he must go on. There must be some scent, some odor that has eluded him and thus barred him from making the perfect scent and ending his journey. Now in his new form he must continue his work that he had once thought finished. Only this time Jean Baptiste had more than olfactory powers, he has found that like most lost spirits and souls, he has to some degree the ability to control and overcome a living beings body. Grenouille found this out by merely walking into somebody on the street while walking, and finding himself going the other way walking awkwardly. He took a moment and stopped himself to see what had just happened to him. After this revelation, he knew he had new and possibly powerful abilities. Grenouille realized this is more than just a power, but a close ally that will help him on his quest to find that scent with out much problem, like before. So for many months Jeean Baptisite toiled around town until the over heard a conversation in a local eatery that caught his fancy. It was Pierre Paul and his colleague at the traveling circus that was in town. They were discussing a young female they had seen on their journey here and were just remarking on her strange beauty and elegance. This peaked his interest because with such beauty, must come a scent. Grenouille followed Pierre home and took over his body. Having used Pierre Paul to find out which towns they have recently visited, Grenouille was off. Over the next few we... ... went to work. Only this time, in his new body, he didn't need to be as stealth. He quickly acquired her scent in the usual fashion and left the body, deprived of any scent or even that white hair, and left Montece. The tale of the murder spread quickly throughout the region and there was a new interest in finding Grenouille the killer. However, that name nor its presence was ever felt again by the people of France. Although that is not entirely true... There is a tale about a mountain in France that seems to make people happier. It is a mountain called Mount de Bobricke, which is south of Paris. Grenouille now resides in his old mountain home for eternity but as he has found his perfect scent he shares it with those that pass by his mountain. He continually makes it and sends it out into the surrounding air for people to enjoy. Over time, this mountain has become a vigil to some, almost a fountain of youth if you will. To this day, people visit Mount de Bobricke for the scents and beautiful atmosphere that his scents make around the surrounding area. They feel a presence and happiness while sitting around the mountain. Perfume Essay -- essays research papers (Continue from page 310, after "For the First time they had done something out of love") Grenouille does not feel dead oddly enough. One would figure after being torn to shreds and devoured by cannibals that your life would be over and you would be no more. However why does Grenouille's feel alive as if life had just begun? He sits there, feeling no physical presence to call his own and yet he feels vibrant and exhilarated. Like the many scents memorized throughout his life, thousands upon thousands of options as to why life is still felt by Grenouille flow through his mind. He knows that this is not physically possible, so he must think of it in another arena, not just physically. After many days of transparent being and thought, Grenouille has come to a major conclusion. His quest for the perfect scent must not be finished and he must go on. There must be some scent, some odor that has eluded him and thus barred him from making the perfect scent and ending his journey. Now in his new form he must continue his work that he had once thought finished. Only this time Jean Baptiste had more than olfactory powers, he has found that like most lost spirits and souls, he has to some degree the ability to control and overcome a living beings body. Grenouille found this out by merely walking into somebody on the street while walking, and finding himself going the other way walking awkwardly. He took a moment and stopped himself to see what had just happened to him. After this revelation, he knew he had new and possibly powerful abilities. Grenouille realized this is more than just a power, but a close ally that will help him on his quest to find that scent with out much problem, like before. So for many months Jeean Baptisite toiled around town until the over heard a conversation in a local eatery that caught his fancy. It was Pierre Paul and his colleague at the traveling circus that was in town. They were discussing a young female they had seen on their journey here and were just remarking on her strange beauty and elegance. This peaked his interest because with such beauty, must come a scent. Grenouille followed Pierre home and took over his body. Having used Pierre Paul to find out which towns they have recently visited, Grenouille was off. Over the next few we... ... went to work. Only this time, in his new body, he didn't need to be as stealth. He quickly acquired her scent in the usual fashion and left the body, deprived of any scent or even that white hair, and left Montece. The tale of the murder spread quickly throughout the region and there was a new interest in finding Grenouille the killer. However, that name nor its presence was ever felt again by the people of France. Although that is not entirely true... There is a tale about a mountain in France that seems to make people happier. It is a mountain called Mount de Bobricke, which is south of Paris. Grenouille now resides in his old mountain home for eternity but as he has found his perfect scent he shares it with those that pass by his mountain. He continually makes it and sends it out into the surrounding air for people to enjoy. Over time, this mountain has become a vigil to some, almost a fountain of youth if you will. To this day, people visit Mount de Bobricke for the scents and beautiful atmosphere that his scents make around the surrounding area. They feel a presence and happiness while sitting around the mountain.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Gender, Hierarchy and Leadership Essay
Although women’s status has improved remarkably in the 20th century in many societies, women continue to lack access to power and leadership compared with men. This issue reviews research and theory concerning women’s leadership. The articles included in the issue provide evidence of bias in the evaluation of women, discuss effects of gender stereotypes on women’s influence and leadership behaviors, and evaluate strategies for change. This introductory article provides a brief summary of changes in women’s status and power in employment and education and the absence of change at the upper echelons of power in organizations. Also included is an outline of the contributions of the other articles in the issue. It is an exciting period for scholars who study how gender affects leadership: The presence of greater numbers of women in positions of power has produced new opportunities to observe female leaders along with male leaders. There has been an increase in the numbers of women in positions of public leadership, including highly visible positions. Of course, focusing on women who occupy such leadership positions should not cause us to forget that women have always exercised leadership, particularly in families and throughout communities. However, until recently, women were extremely rare in major positions of public leadership. Now women are in a small minority in such roles, but present. Political leadership illustrates this trend: In history only 42 women have ever served as presidents or prime ministers, and 25 of those have come to office in the 1990s (Adler, 1999). Almost all of the women who have attained top positions in corporations around the world have done so in the 1990s. Public interest in women’s potential as leaders is fueled by high-profile women serving in powerful positions; Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, U.S. National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice, and former Secretary of State Madeline Albright are just three recent examples from the United States. Many of the newspaper and magazine articles written about these and other female leaders have a positive tone (e.g., Dobbs, 1999; â€Å"A Practical Judicial Eye,†2000). The idea that women might hold such positions and the suspicion that they might exercise power somewhat differently than men no longer seems as alarming to people as in the past. Indeed, people are receptive to the idea that different might be better or at least not worse than what the nation experiences now. In response to the Gallup Poll’s question, â€Å"Do you think that this country would be governed better or worse if more women were in political office?†57% of the respondents in the United States chose the response â€Å"better,†with greater endorsement by women (62%) than men (51%; Gallup, 1995). Only 17% of the respondents indicated that such a change would worsen government. The excitement about the presence of just a few women in powerful positions raises the question of why, with women’s roles changing so dramatically in the last decade, the numbers of women in these positions are so small. Indeed, the concept of the glass ceiling was introduced by the Wall Street Journal to account for this disjunction (â€Å"The Corporate Woman,†1986) and has since been acknowledged by journalists and the public as an invisible but powerful barrier that allows women to advance only to a certain level. Evidence supports the glass ceiling metaphor. By some yardsticks, the United States and other advanced industrial societies appear to be approaching gender equality. In the United States, women have entered the paid labor force in large numbers and now constitute 47% of workers (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2001b). Whereas in 1972 only 18% of managers were female, the proportion of women has steadily increased over time (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1982) and currently women make up 45% of managers and administrators (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2001a). In education, women possess 51% of all bachelor’s degrees that have been awarded (U.S. Bureau of the Census, 2000). Since 1981– 82, more of these degrees have gone to women than men, with women currently receiving 56% (U.S. Department of Education, 2001). Women also possess 45% of the advanced degrees that have been awarded (U.S. Bureau of the Census, 2000) and currently earn 42% of PhDs and 43% of professional degrees (e.g., those in law or medicine; Morgan, 2001). Although these aggregate statistics on labor force participation and education suggest gender equality, the distributions of men and women in elite leadership positions tell quite a different story. To borrow former President Clinton’s phrase, the tops of managerial and governmental hierarchies do not â€Å"look like America.†In Fortune 500 companies, women constitute only 4% of the top officers, 3% of the most highly paid officers, and 0.4% of CEOs (Catalyst, 2000). In U.S. politics, only 13% of senators, 14% of congressional representatives, and 10% of state governors are women (Center for the American Woman and Politics, 2001). In the military, women make up 2% of the top officers (U.S. Department of Defense, 1998). Although about 30% of lawyers are women, women make up only 15% of law firm partners and 5% of managing partners in large firms (Rhode, 2001). In contrast to the changes in women’s education, labor force participation, and employment as managers, little change has occurred in terms of placing women in the most powerful leadership positions. The lack of women in powerful positions used to be explained by many as a â€Å"pipeline problem,†that is, the interpretation that women with the appropriate education and background were not available. Even though the pipeline explanation remains popular among male CEOs (Ragins, Townsend, & Mattis, 1998), its plausibility has been eroded by the dramatic increases in women’s employment as managers. Because the pipeline is full of women, this idea has given way to the glass ceiling in the popular imagination. The glass ceiling is a metaphor for prejudice and discrimination. To the extent that people are prejudiced against women as leaders and potential leaders, this prejudice would manifest itself in many ways and have multiple effects. Prejudice can take subtle or blatant forms and can be held by employers, customers, voters, and even by the targets of prejudice themselves. Prejudice against women as leaders and potential leaders would interfere with women’s ability to gain authority and exercise influence and would produce discrimination when it is translated into personnel decisions within organizations and political structures. Because social psychologists have long studied prejudice and industrial/organizational psychologists have studied managerial roles and organizational processes, the stage is set in these fields for understanding the rarity of women in powerful positions. The authors of the articles in this issue have all made important contributions to this developing kn owledge. Organization of the Issue Bias in the Evaluation of Women Leaders The articles in the first section of the issue present evidence of biased evaluation of women’s competence and potential for leadership, showing that across a wide variety of settings and contexts, women are presumed to be less competent than men and less worthy to hold leadership positions. In the first article of the section, Cecilia L. Ridgeway gives an overview of expectations states theory and proposes that gender differences in influence and leadership occur because people presume that men are more competent and legitimate as leaders than women are. These beliefs foster hierarchical patterns of social interaction through which men exert more influence and exercise more leadership. In support of the theory, Ridgeway reviews research examining gender differences in behavior in taskoriented groups and identifies conditions that modify these differences. In the section’s second article, Madeline E. Heilman reviews research on leadership in organizations, showing that as a consequence of biases against women, people devalue the work of female managers. When the value of that work is impossible to deny, people tend to attribute it to external factors rather than the women’s competence. Finally, when external attributions cannot be made, people dislike and reject successful female managers. Virginia E. Schein’s article, the third in the section, reviews cross-cultural research on bias against female leaders. Studies in the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom, China, and Japan all reveal that men are perceived to be more qualified as managers than women are, especially by men. In addition, Schein identifies changes in the perception of management over time and discusses why men from different countries with varying political, economic, and social conditions all continue to view women as less competent and suited to leadership than men. In the section’s fourth article, Jennifer Boldry, Wendy Wood, and Deborah A. Kashy describe an empirical study that revealed gender biases against women in a military setting. The authors report that both male and female cadets considered men to have more leadership ability and women to have more character (e.g., integrity, lack of selfishness) than the other sex, perceptions that are congruent with traditional gender stereotypes. Unfortunately for women’s potential in the military, cadets’ success in the corps was best predicted by perceived leadership ability, not perceived character, suggesting that a person’s success in the military depends on conforming to a masculine model of leadership. In the final article in this section, Monica Biernat and Kathleen Fuegen report two new empirical studies documenting shifting standards in evaluating women and men in work and academic settings. Presenting further evidence of bias against women, their findings revealed that female study participants set harsher standards for hiring female than male applicants and were less likely to hire women than men. In contrast to other articles in this issue showing greater gender bias by males than females, male study participants did not show gender biases in their hiring decisions. Gender Effects on Social Influence and Hireability The authors in the issue’s second section provide evidence showing that, in order to be influential, women must combine agentic qualities, such as competence and directiveness, with communal qualities, such as warmth and friendliness. In the first article of the section, Linda L. Carli reviews the literature on gender effects on social influence, reporting that males exert greater influence over others than females do. She argues that this occurs for two reasons. First, females are generally presumed to be less competent than males and therefore less credible as influence agents. Second, when women are perceived to be as competent as men, they are often seen as violating prescriptive gender role norms that require women to be communal. As a result, people, especially males, often dislike highly competent women and reject their contributions. In the section’s second article, Laurie A. Rudman and Peter Glick report on an empirical study that further explores pressures on female job applicants to be both agentic and communal. Results showed that agentic men were considered more socially skilled than agentic women. Moreover, agentic male applicants were considered more hireable than agentic female applicants for jobs requiring both agentic and communal skills. Women who possessed both agentic and communal qualities, however, were considered to be as hireable as their male counterparts, regardless of job requirements. In the third article in this section, Felicia Pratto and Penelope Espinoza discuss the importance of the interaction of race and gender in affecting discrimination in hiring. They report the results of two empirical studies showing that study participants preferred to hire White male job applicants over White female applicants for jobs that enhance group-based hierarchy but did not prefer Black and Hispanic male applicants over Black and Hispanic women for those same jobs. Instead, Blacks and Hispanics were generally more often selected for jobs that attenuated group-based hierarchy than Whites were. Characteristics of Women’s Leadership Leadership has traditionally been construed as a masculine enterprise with special challenges and pitfalls for women. This perception raises the very interesting question of how women lead. The two articles in the issue’s third section discuss current research on gender differences and similarities in the ways men and women perceive themselves as leaders and engage in leadership. In the first of these articles, Alice H. Eagly and Mary C. Johannesen-Schmidt examine the controversy in the popular and academic literatures about whether there are gender differences in leadership style. These authors review the empirical literature on gender differences in leadership style, including recent research on transformational and transactional leadership. They conclude that, although male and female leaders are quite similar in a number of ways, on average they do behave somewhat differently. In the section’s second article, Hilary M. Lips reports an empirical investigation of the ways in which samples of college students from Virginia and Puerto Rico perceive themselves as future leaders. Her findings indicate that both men and women expect to lead in domains that are relatively traditional for their gender for example, men in business and women in education. Compared with men, women also expect more difficulties in their personal relationships and other negative consequences as a result of their leadership. Strategies for Change The articles in the first three sections of this issue present evidence of gender inequalities in leadership and influence and propose theoretical explanations for these inequalities. This research helps clarify why women are underrepresented in positions of power and provides a framework for identifying possible strategies for reducing gender discrimination. In the final section of this issue, Janice D. Yoder focuses on strategies that can be used to increase women’s emergence and effectiveness as leaders. In particular, she endorses a wide range of organizational strategies for increasing women’s leadership. She also describes individual approaches that women can use to reduce resistance to their leadership but argues that individual approaches, because they demand more of women than men, are inherently unfair. Importance of the Effects of Gender on Hierarchy and Leadership Scholarship on gender has addressed a range of issues in past decades, with early work concentrating on gender stereotypes and sex-differentiated personality traits. An underlying goal of this work was to understand the status of women in society and foster favorable change in women’s status. Although women’s status has risen substantially in the 20th century in many societies, women’s subordination remains apparent in their lack of access to positions of power. Earlier researchers rarely addressed this issue directly. If women are ever to achieve a status equivalent to that of men, however, they will have to participate equally in those contexts where the most important and far-reaching decisions are made. Decision making with major impact on what is valued in societies and how resources are allocated is surely not shared equally by citizens, but concentrated among people who hold positions of power in organizations and governments. Women must be present in sizeable numbers in these settings and must perform effectively in order to produce a balance between male and female power. The research and theory considered in this issue help us understand why power has remained unequally allocated between the sexes and how greater equality can be achieved. References Adler, N. J. (1999). Global leaders: Women of influence. In G. Powell (Ed.), Handbook of gender & work (pp. 239–261). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Catalyst. (2000). Census of women corporate officers and top earners. New York: Catalyst. Center for the American Woman and Politics. (2001). Fact sheet [On-line]. New Brunswick, NJ: Eagleton Institute of Politics, Rutgers University. Available: ~cawp/pdf/elective.pdf The corporate woman: A special report. (1986, March 24). Wall Street Journal, 32-page supp. Dobbs, M. (1999, May 2). Becoming Madeline Albright. Washington Post Magazine, p. W11. Gallup, G., Jr. (1995). The Gallup poll. Wilmington, DE: Scholarly Resources. Morgan, F. B. (2001). Degrees and other awards conferred by Title IV participating, degree-granting institutions: 1997–98 [On-line]. U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office. Available: pubs2001/quarterly/spring/q5_3.html A practical judicial eye; O’Connor deserves one more firstâ€â€Ms. Chief Justice. (2000, June 12). The Arizona Republic, p. B6. Ragins, B. R., Townsend, B., & Mattis, M. (1998). Gender gap in the executive suite: CEOs and female executives report on breaking the glass ceiling. Academy of Management Executive, 12, 28–42. Rhode, D. (2001). The unfinished agenda: Women and the legal profession. Chicago: American Bar Association, Commission on Women in the Profession. U.S. Bureau of the Census. (2000). Current population reports: Educational attainment in the United States: March 2000. Table 1: Educational attainment of the population 15 years and over, by age, sex, race, and Hispanic origin [On-line]. Available: socdemo/education/p20-536/tab01.txt U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. (1982). Labor force statistics derived from the current population survey: A databook (Vol. 1). Bulletin 2096. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Labor. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2001a). Annual average tables from the January 2001 issue of Employment and Earnings. Table 11: Employed persons by detailed occupation, sex, race, and Hispanic origin [On-line]. Available: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2001b). News: The employment situation: May 2001. Table A-1: Employment status of the civilian population by sex and age [On-line]. Available: http://www. U.S. Department of Defense. (1998). Active duty military personnel by service by rank/grade (for September 30, 1997) [On-line]. Available: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics. (2001). Digest of educational statistics [On-line]. Available:
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