Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Organizational Theory Essay Example for Free
Organizational Theory Essay 1. Develop your understanding of the nature of the key organisation perspectives and their related theories; 2. Demonstrate an understanding of the key perspectives and the meta-theoretical assumptions that underpin each; 3. Demonstrate an appreciation of the relationship between perspectives and their respective theories; 4. Develop research skills and the ability to assess the strengths and weaknesses of various debates and arguments; 5. Gain skills in the written presentation of an argument, including the ways in which scholars incorporate and acknowledge the ideas of other writers. Criteria for assessment For this assignment your essay will be assessed on the extent to which it demonstrates: 1. Your ability to present a clear, compelling, well-presented and properly referenced argument. 2. Your ability to respond directly to the key issues raised by the question. 3. Your ability to engage with the work of other authors and extract relevant detail and explanation. 4. Your ability to assess the arguments and debates of and between other authors and incorporate them into your response. QUESTION: What are the advantages and disadvantages of a multi-perspective approach to understanding organisations? In answering the question you will need to engage with the nature of the various perspectives and how they enable and limit our understanding of organisations. In answering the essay question you must focus explicitly on the key issues identified in the question. A failure to follow this and the following instructions will result in a significant loss of marks. Presenting your answer: Please use headings with care. It is better to avoid using them in an essay but if you must, please keep them to a minimum and ensure that they enhance rather than undermine your argument. In order to construct a logical response to the question the following structure is suggested. You do not need to use the provided headings (see above comment regarding ‘headings’) and the structure itself is not mandatory. But, if you are going to use an alternative structure please ensure that it enables you to present a clear and direct response to the question asked. In answering the essay question you must focus explicitly on the key issues identified in the question. Introduction: In this section you must provide an overview of your answer to the question; provide answers to the key what and why questions of your argument/answer. These should take the form of direct responses to the key issues raised by the question. Your argument should be informed by a critical analysis of the content of the key readings. Please keep in mind that in all sections of your response you must move past description to analysis, this means providing answers to the why questions that emerge from your key statements. Exploration of your argument: In this section of the essay you need to accomplish two tasks. First, you must explore the key perspectives showing how each is underpinned by different assumptions that determine the way organisations are interpreted and understood. You must also address the theoretical implications of these various ways of seeing and how they enable and limit our understanding of organisations. Second, having demonstrated an understanding of the perspectives and their theoretical implications you need to evaluate the different arguments for and against a multi-perspective approach to understanding organisations. This evaluation must draw on and relate to your discussion about the individual perspectives and how they enable and limit our understanding of organisations. The whole response must be informed by an engagement with relevant sources, especially the textbook and the readings provided on the Blackboard. You must draw upon and evaluate academic debates and arguments. This is not to be viewed as an exercise in which you make up a response off-the-top-of-your-head. Conclusion: You must conclude with your general answer to the question. It should reiterate the key argument and answer to the question provided in the introduction and indicate to what extent it has been supported or challenged by your analysis of the debates and arguments of other authors. ADDITIONAL GUIDENCE: – This essay question has been designed to encourage you to prepare your own individual essay. There is no single ‘right’ answer. Markers will be looking for evidence that you have read broadly, including the provided material, and have synthesised the material to develop your own answer/ argument. The markers will also expect you to answer the question in your own words. The following points are to help you to understand and complete your assignment: 1. The question asks you to compare and contrast perspectives with regards to how they enable and constrain our understanding of organisations. The focus for this comparison is on the perspectives meta-theoretical assumptions and how these shape their respective theories. This part of the essay allows you to demonstrate your understanding of the course material covered in weeks 1-4. 2. Do not try to cover every single detail; you only have 2000 words so concentrate on the major points rather than fine details. 3. The focus in this essay is on analysis rather than description. Any description of your chosen perspectives must form part of your analysis and must contribute to the argument that you are making in your essay. This means answering why questions and providing supporting evidence. 4. This is not an essay asking you to consider management practices or styles of management. It is asking you to focus on ‘ways of seeing’ and thinking about organisations (different perspectives) and ways of understanding and theorising about organisations. Think of yourself as a researcher (rather than manager) of an organisation and you have a range of devices you can use to study organisations. Each device provides you with the ability to learn something different about the organisation. Your job is to explain how each of the devices provides you with different ways of understanding organisations. Do not use actual organisations as examples because it is the theory that you are seeking to demonstrate an understanding of. 5. You must use the sources provided to develop your answer. They have been selected because they provide the essential material required to answer the question. You will lose marks if you fail to use them. 6. Before you begin to look for additional reading you should first acquire a good understanding of the basics from the textbook and the required readings. Once you acquire this understanding you can then look for other material. 7. You can make use of the Web sources but they need to be reliable sources- Wikipedia is not a reliable source of information. We encourage you to make use of journal articles which can be found via a range of library databases. I suggest you use Expanded Academic ASAP (Gale) database which is located through the Databases section of the library website because it allows you to search a range of journals using keywords. Some of the keywords you should consider are: organisational culture, power in organisations, organisational change, organisations and modernism, organisations and symbolic interpretivism, organisations and postmodernism, etc. You will find an enormous amount of relevant literature. You can also do author searches which can be helpful to locate recent articles by scholars mentioned in the textbook. We also encourage you to make use of the references and further reading suggested by the textbook at the end of each chapter. ‘Citation Linker’ found through the library website is a useful tool to locate some of the journal articles mentioned in the textbook. There is a lot of information out there regarding the topic. 8. Students are NOT allowed to use lecture notes as reference materials. 9. You should look at the assessment sheet found in the course guide. It will give you a feel for the sorts of things we will be assessing. 10. You should also look at the other part of the course guide which outlines the differences between the grades -i.e. what separates a ‘P’ from a ‘C’. A key point to remember in answering the questions is not to be overly descriptive. In answering the question you will need to develop an argument. An argument requires ‘expressing a point of view on a subject and supporting it with evidence’ (see The basic components of an argument include: * Making a claim (informed by relevant organisational theories) * Supporting your claim with evidence
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Ruffies The Date Rape Drug :: Papers
Ruffies The Date Rape Drug They’re called "roofies," "R-2s," "rib," "rope," "The Club Drug," "Mexican Valium." The clinical name is Flunitrazepam, but it’s the effect that is important. It’s called the "date rape drug" because one of its most frightening and dangerous uses is to commit sexual assault: a drug slipped into a drink without the victim’s knowledge. Roofies are tasteless, colorless, odorless, and they dissolve in liquid within seconds. When the drug is taken or ingested alone it creates a drunk-like state; when used with other drugs such as alcohol it can become a lethal mix. A year before he killed himself, rock star Kurt Cobain was in a coma and nearly died after taking Rohypnol. The effects include dizziness, confusion, stomach upset, temporary paralysis, blackout and amnesia. The drug renders its victim helpless: there is loss of control, loss of inhibitions, an inability to know what’s happening. Effects begin within a few minutes and last up to 12 hours, depending on the amount ingested. The victim goes in and out of consciousness, aware of some things, totally unaware of others. It’s the perfect agenda for sexual assault on an unwilling victim How to Protect Yourself The drug is odorless, tasteless, and colorless. You simply cannot tell if a roofie has been placed in your drink. There have been numerous reports of rapes following use of the drug by unknowing victims. Because of the potential for abuse, observe these precautions: 1. Never accept a drink from someone you don’t know and TRUST. Order sealed drinks you can open yourself. Watch the bartender make your drink and don’t use wait-people. 2. Never leave your drink unattended. ALWAYS keep your drink in your hand, not left on the bar or table. Take your drink to the rest room with you, or’ Give your drink to someone you know you can trust. If you do leave your drink unattended, order a new one. 3. Use the "buddy system": Tell your friends where you are at a party. Never leave without accounting for those you came with. Watch your friends’ drinks if they’re not alert. Have a designated driver. 4. If you hear someone in your group kidding about "date drugs," pay attention: often someone planning to use a drug jokes about it, trying to get a reaction from others. This should be a warning: leave the company of that person.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Factors Influencing Growth and Development Essay
The environmental impacts on one’s behavior can often determine factors that will shape future behaviors. During critical and sensitive periods development can be greatly affected. Critical periods occur when the existence of certain types of environmental stimuli become necessary for development to continue conventionally. It is theorized that development during the critical period is easily influenced, specifically in the area of personality and social development. On the other hand, during sensitive periods the organism becomes particularly vulnerable to certain types of stimuli in their environment. Unlike critical periods, the absence of stimuli in a sensitive period does not always result in immutable consequences. Societal influences are believed to play a large role on the environmental impacts of development. The way we have been socialized or conditioned is a response to environmental stimuli. For instance, gender is something socially constructed and society places expectations on individuals according to their gender, which will determine the roles they will later fulfill in society. A publication from U.C. Santa Cruz states the following of gender acquisition and the societal influences that are perpetuated around them. Gender stereotypes in infants are perpetuated by society’s expectations and perceptions. Societal influences, preconceived notions and expectations enforce already existing gender stereotypes†¦ Read more: Essay explain how children and young people’s development is influenced by a range of personal factors. In the study of forty-eight children, their mothers, and 16 college students, gender based stereotypes influenced interaction with infants which in turn socialized the infants to conform to their respective gender role. Ratings of the female infants centered on their small size and beauty. Male infants are judged usually according to their ability and intelligence. While evidence of gender stereotyping in infant ratings are becoming less dominant after adolescence, sex stereotyping in adults’ behavior towards infants has changed little. Obviously, society shapes the gender stereotypes that both children and adults hold. (Rivera, 1996)
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Refraction - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 1 Words: 299 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2017/09/11 Category Advertising Essay Did you like this example? Refraction Refraction refers to the bending of the transmitted light at the interface between two transparent materials. The angle of refraction depends on the angle of incidence and the relative speeds of the light in the two different media and can be found from the relationship [pic] From this equation we see that the direction in which the light is bent depends on whether it is going from a slower to a faster medium or vice versa. Index of refraction The index of refraction of a medium is defined as the ratio of the speed of light in vacuum to the speed of light in the medium. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Refraction" essay for you Create order pic] By definition, n = 1 in vacuum. In all materials n 1. The frequency of light does not change as it goes from one a medium of one index of refraction to another. This means that the wavelength changes with the speed. [pic] Thus, the wavelength is smaller in a medium than in vacuum. From the definition of the index of refraction, we can rewrite the relationship between the incident and refracted angles as Or [pic] This equation is known as Snell’s law of refraction. Example The index of refraction of a glass is n = 1. 6. A ray of light is incident upon the glass surface at an angle of 30o. What is the angle of refraction into the glass? Solution: Assume that air surrounds the glass and that the index of refraction of air is approximately n = 1. [pic] If the wavelength of the light in air is 520 nm (green), what is its wavelength in the glass? [pic] What is the frequency of the light? [pic] Or [pic] [pic] What is the frequency of the light? [pic] (1 (1’ (2 slow fast incident reflected v2 v1 incident (1 (1’ (2 v2 v1 fast slow reflected refracted
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