Monday, September 30, 2019
Cradle to Cradle Essay
In this book the authors and environmentalists William McDonough and Michael Braungart discuss how very un-eco friendly are the people that design our world, from our buildings to the products we use and consume. They talk about how our solutions for our environmental problems, such as recycling, are basically just a band-aid fix for broken bone. They discuss the negative effects that our daily lives have on our environment and offer some solutions of their own to help counteract the problem as much as possible, even the book Cradle to Cradle is printed on eco-friendly paper that does not use trees. In this book McDonough and Braungart urge its readers to take our environment into account and look for better solutions to our global environmental problems then the ones that we have been settling for for the last half-century. In this book McDonough and Braungart identify two major problems with the way that we live that negatively affects our environment. The first is the problem of t hrowing things away, because in fact when we throw things away, they do not just go away. The things that we throw out stay here on our Earth, soiling our precious and finite earth and affect its well-being. The second problem that they discuss the the harmful product that are used, which not only have negative impacts on our planet, but also on ourselves. In this book the authors urge us to learn from nature through bio-mimicry, an effort to design buildings like trees, cities like forests. They also challenge us to look at ants and the role they play in the world and their self-sustaining way of life and to learn from them. Ants are able to inhabit a diverse a range of environments, are able to hunt, scavenge, and grow their own food, build their homes, effectively handle their wastes, create powerful medicines, and produce biological and chemical weapons, all the while contributing to the health of the natural world. We live on this earth less-effectively than ants and should look to their way of living as a role model for how we as humans live on this earth. McDonough and Braungart offer some of their own suggestions for way that we can live effectively with the Earth in mind, such as rooftops covered with soil and plants that serve as natural insulation, non toxic dyes and fabrics, their current overhaul of Ford’s legendary River Rouge factory, and even the book itself, which is printed on a synthetic paper that does not use trees. While creating an ultimate solution to our environmental problem is a very involved and complicated ordeal, McDonough and Braungart do offer some simple solutions to help cut down on the harm we are causing our planet. One things that we can do is to cut out all chemicals and substances that are harmful and destructive both to humans as well as the environment. Also they discuss how we must abandon our current cradle to grave way of thinking and adopt a cradle to cradle way of thinking, meaning that we need to consider where the products and its packaging will end up after we are finished with it. When creating a product we need to begin to understand and think about where it will end up after the consumer is done with it. We must think about how our waste can be reused in order to cut back on unnecessary waste and contamination of our planet. McDonough and Braungart in this book urge us to start looking at our wasteful ways and see how it is harming our own selves as well as the environment and see that we must adopt a cradle to cradle way of thinking in order to save our planet and use the finite resources we have in a smart and truly eco friendly way. After reading this book I examined the wasteful way in which I live my own life, and when I think about how I live and times that by 6,973,738,433, it’s hard to fathom how much damage we must be doing to our planet. Our resource, clean air and precious earth are limited but humans are consumers and don’t consider much past our own immediate wants and needs. After reading this book I see how important it is to move away from cradle to grave thinking and truly take on a cradle to cradle way of thinking and see the long term effects of our consumerism. This book should be read by everyone because it gives a clear and simple way to see how we are living now, and then how we should be living in order to help save and protect the planet that we have been given.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Mice & Men Essay
In chapter 3, the setting, the bunkhouse can be seen to symbolise that people only see what is obvious to them. Steinbeck shows this through symbolism in the bunkhouse. ‘Although there was evening brightness showing through the windows of the bunkhouse, inside it was dusk†¦ Instantly the table was brilliant with light, and the cone of the shade threw its brightness straight downward, leaving the corners of the bunkhouse still in dusk. The brightness down the centre of the bunkhouse shows our assumptions about something, as we judge things solely for what we see and know. This happens at least once during the text and can be seen through the immediate judgement of Curley’s wife as comes alone to the bunkhouse. George seems to know exactly where the trouble is going to originate, and this is shown when George cautions Lennie not to talk to Curley’s wife. George immediately judges Curley’s wife from previous gossip from Candy, her appearance and her behaviour before he has a chance to get to know her. His assumption led the audience to believe that she is simply just a tart, and nothing more. The dark and gloomy corners on the other hand are a representation of the secrets and not so obvious things in life. This can be seen at the end of the text when we find out the real reasoning as to why Curley’s wife behaves the way she does, which is due to her lack of attention from Curley, not just because she is a floozy. The contrast of dark and light builds anticipation in the audience as the feeling of doubt seems to lurk permanently in the background. Others may interpret the bunkhouse to symbolise cruel world of reality. The dark corners of the bunkhouse suggest dreams and ambitions as in the dark, as we cannot see the problems in which lie ahead. It is only in the light which can be seen down the centre of the bunkhouse that we can see reality and all of the barriers in which will prevent us from achieving these ambitions. Steinbeck shows this when all ambitions of the ranch workers never go to plan. In the light down the centre of the Bunkhouse It appears to be a world in which fate often plays a hand, and the characters are frequently defenceless and watch their dreams turn to dust. Lennie’s puppy symbolises dreams, joy and the relationship between George and Lennie. A puppy is so fun to play with. You can spend time with it; a puppy can listen to all of your problems, is a great friend and you could never stay mad when you see one; however they are reliant on its owner for its wellbeing. This is like the relationship between George and Lennie. Lennie is reliant on George to keep him well and healthy and out of trouble just like the puppy would be reliant on Lennie when it grows older. George and Lennie are also have a close relationship, where they share their problems and although they George may get frustrated with George at times he is always quick to forgive him. The puppy brings joy to Lennie and George because ‘George said if Lennie didn’t hurt the puppy then he could tend the rabbits, when they get their own farm. The dream farm symbolises the tie between them and keeps them working, even when times are hard it is, and is ultimately, their version of heaven. So when Lennie kills a kills the puppy later on in the Chapter 5, it is obvious to the audience that their chances of going there are forever ruined. In contrast to this it may lead some to believe that the puppy is therefore a symbolism of the fate of the weak in the strong and foreshadows doom, shown particularly when Lennie brings the puppy in to the house and away from the it’s nest. ‘’He reached down and picked the tiny puppy from where Lennie had been concealing it against him’’. Concealing means to prevent something from being seen or known about. Many things are concealed during the story such as the petting and death of the mice, the incident in weed, the death of the puppy and briefly the death of Curley’s wife. We learn about the incident in weed in chapter 3 so it automatically foreshadows a doomed future of the puppy, given our knowledge about the mice. Our suspicions are confirmed During Chapter 5 when Lennie kills the puppy accidentally due to the fact that he still does not recognize his own strength. Although no other character can match Lennie’s physical strength, Lennie finds himself in a similar situation as the innocent animal, as Lennie is unaware of the vicious, predatory powers that surround him. This doom was foreshadowed by the puppy. The sequence of events of the puppy gives a cast contrast of scenes full of hope (when the puppy is first given to Lennie), in comparison to scenes of disappointment (when the puppy dies) increases the reader’s apprehension as they are continuously on the edge wondering what he will do next.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
300 - a Gender Analysis
Gender The film industry has created the conventional gender roles of society into their movies; A majority of films have supported some of the male and female stereotypes. In the history of the film industry, the role of men is primarilythat of the stereotypical working class man or hero, while the roles of women are primarily portrayed as being somewhat inferior to men. In the 1930s through the 1970s, men held the leading roles in films while women played smaller roles. Men were typically employed, successful gentlemen, while the woman’s only job was a housewife. The film industry was mostly dominated by men. In terms of jobs, women were given mostly family roles and rarely were shown outside of their homes, while men had successful careers and did many activities outside of home. â€Å"Women were shown doing housework and men were the beneficiaries of their work†(â€Å"Women’s roles in the film industry†Women in film). As women were given a more active role in society, the gender roles in movies changed. However, many types of gender stereotypes in films still exist. Action genre movies in particular account for many of the gender stereotypes in the film industry today. Men are typically portrayed to be the hero, while women are often portrayed as sexual objects. In the movie 300, the Spartan men served and protected the city of Sparta, while the Spartan women did domestic chores and bred more warriors. Because this movie was set back in 480 BC society portrayed men to be superior to women. Some of the main characters in 300 are prime examples for the different gender roles. King Leonidas is the proud, triumphant King of Sparta. In the film, the character Leonidas possesed as a couple different male stereotypes. King Leonidas is portrayed as the hero throughout the different action sequences. Throughout the movie Leonidas takes charge of his troops and leads them into battle. Leonidas is hero not only because he is the King of Sparta, but also because he is the commander of the troops. Before King Leonidas leaves for battle with his three-hundred Spartans, he confronts his wife and refrains from saying â€Å"My queen, my life, my love,†because he, like all other Spartans, is not soft and does not want to show emotion to his queen (Zack Snyder. 00). The narrator speaks of how Spartan men are raised like brutes and are â€Å"hard warriors†(Zack Snyder. 300). This particular phrase is important to the story because it reflects the gender role of men during that time period. King Leonidas can also be classified as the family man stereotype. Throughout the film he trains his young son for battle. He plays the role of protector not only for his individual family, but also for Spart a. In the movie 300, King Leonidas represents many male stereotypes. In contrast, the character Queen Gorgo stands for many female stereotypes in the movie. The queen portrays the domestic female stereotype. In the film Queen Gorgo cares for her young son and stays at home while her husband, King Leonidas, is fighting for their country. Like many of the women in the film, Queen Gorgo performs many domestic tasks such as retrieving food and water for her family, as well as looking after her child. Queen Gorgo is also a sex object. She is easily seduced by her King. She bribesone of the councilmen with sex. At times in the film the Queen, among many other women, wear little clothing. The 300 Spartans also wear little clothing in the film. Due to the lack of clothing, the Spartans show their ripped and brute physique to reinforce the male stereotype of being brawny and strong. Lastly, the queen represents the female stereotype of beauty. The queen is an attractive woman with a small frame, much like how the media portrays what a woman should look like. Her attractive looks and sexual qualities are a large part of Queen Gorgo’s character. Queen Gorgo represents an abundance of the female stereotypes in society. The captain of the Spartan troops also shows male stereotypes. The captain is a close ally of King Leonidas. Throughout the film, the captain portrays the male stereotype of being a family man. The captain’s son, Astinos, is barely old enough to be in battle with the Persians. The captain is skeptical of allowing his son to enter battle, but decides to encourage him to serve their country. Throughout the different battles with the Persians, the captain protects his son from harm. When Astinos is killed by Persians, the captain goes on an extremely violent tirade and kills every Persian in sight due to his overpowering vengeance. After the death of his son, the captain proclaims to the king that his heart is filled with hate, and King Leonidas replies â€Å"Good. †King Leonidas feels that it is necessary for a soldier to feel hatred toward his enemies. This particular scene portrays another male characteristic of not showing emotion towards a certain subject. The captain is another character that shows the male stereotype present in this film. Although many of the characters in the movie portray the prevalent male and female stereotypes in society, there are a few characters that stray away from these social formalities. Councilman Theron is an example of one of the characters that does not abide to the brute and warrior stereotypes in the film 300. Theron is no older than the Spartan men who fight for their city, but he lacks the physical strength that the Spartan warriors possess. Because Theron is not a typical man in Sparta, he wears a gown that is similar to the gowns worn by Spartan women. Along with Councilman Theron, there are other men that are on the council of Sparta. These men are far less in physical size than the Spartan warrior and are given duties that are similar to women. The men in the council are unique to the majority of men in Sparta that serve their city. Since the men wear â€Å"woman-like†clothing, it labels women’s apparel to be very revealing. These men reinforce some of the women stereotypes prevalent in the film. There are also some specific scenes in the movie that break some of the male and female stereotypes. Directly after Astinos is killed in battle, the Captain begins to break down and cry. The captain immediately showed his emotion for the loss of his son. This scene in the movie shows how even the most masculine man has to show some emotion at some point in time. In the end of the battle against the Persians, after King Leonidas has been shot by many arrows, he stands up and shouts, â€Å"My queen, my life, my love†(Zack Snyder. 300). This phrase is contradictory to the general actions of Spartans, and men in general, because it shows emotion. Both of these sequences in the film show how every man must show emotion, regardless of who they are. 300 demonstrated the many male and female stereotypes in society. Although most of the men were relatively similar, there were a few men in Sparta who went against the normal gender role. Like many other action movies, 300 showed various roles that supported some of the gender roles in the film industry. The main characters primarily demonstrated the conventional gender roles, but they also expressed some contradictory qualities. The film industry provides arious different types of gender roles through movies. advertising. Home | Saint Marys College, Notre Dame, IN. 20 Apr. 2009 lt; http://www. diigo. com/05lfx Women in Film. Yahoo! GeoCities: Get a free web site with easy-to-use site building tools. 20 Apr. 2009 lt; http://www. diigo. com/05lfw 300 Movie Spartans. Mens Movie Guide. 20 Apr. 2009 lt; http://www. diigo. com/05lfv 300 (Widescreen Single Disc Edition). Dir. Zack Snyd er. Perf. Gerard Butler, Lena Headey. DVD. Warner Bros. Pictures Distribution, Warner Bros. Pictures International, 2006.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Data Quality Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Data Quality - Research Paper Example The nurses do not have to spend time in noting down the details of the patients manually, rather the data entry process becomes easier and faster for the healthcare staff (Hibbard, 2003). When data are of poor quality, there are chances of errors occurring and this causes adverse incidents to take place. The patient’s safety and health is affected as a result and this also causes the costs of healthcare to increase. The healthcare organization has to also face hindrances in information exchange (Loshin, 2007). For promoting high quality healthcare data, recommendations can be to set standards the content of data, how the data should be mapped and documented in the system of the healthcare organization. Strategies for continuous improvement of data collection should be implemented and this could mean that research and development should always be taking place. Data should also be collected and noted at the point where the patient has been treated so that the results can be compared with future cases. The patients should be educated as well for realizing the importance of accurate data provided by them (Hibbard,
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Advanced research design Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Advanced research design - Term Paper Example This design is employed in gathering data that are empirical on cultures and societies of humans. Data collection in ethnographic design can take a form of a questionnaire, an interview or observation. In this study, the collection of data was done using the internet based behavioural intervention for increasing physical activity and healthy eating. The interventions used in this study were presented to the participants through the email. This means that the intervention were in the form of a booklet. The sample for this research was made up of consists of college freshman of ages between 18 and 20. The participants were enrolled with the fact that they were willing to complete an internet-based behavioural intervention program to prevent weight gain. The participants were volunteers from a local university and were randomized to either a group of the intervention group or a control group. The dependent variable for this study was the efficiency of the intervention, whereas the indep endent variable was the different behavioural change for increasing physical activity and healthy eating by individuals who took part in the intervention. The controlled variable for this study was the participants’ ages. This is because the age of the participants did not have any effect on the reduction of weight. Despite the different ages of the subjects, there were no proofs of the age effect on the intervention efficiency response because change in the intervention efficiency response was due to the increasing physical activity and healthy eating by the participants. Hypothesis. The hypothesis for this study would be that increasing the physical activity and healthy eating increases the efficiency of the intervention where as reducing the physical activity and healthy eating will reduce the efficiency of the intervention used. Plan for statistical analysis of the hypothesis. Procedure Materials used. To analyse the hypothesis, the apparatus that would be used for includ e: A recorded CD, Oral and written explanations about the intervention, a research study, a response booklet and scale to rate the intervention efficiency. An example of such a scales used are: 1--------2--------3--------4--------5--------6--------7--------8--------9--------10 Not at all Very much. In this scales, digit 1 represent little efficiency where as digit 10 represent increased efficiency. Procedure. All subjects will be given oral and written explanation on research and the intervention through heir emails. The subjects will then be given behavioural intervention with highlighted concerns on the process of increasing the physical activity and healthy eating. In this case, the intervention will be made up of various physical activities and tips on healthy eating. The participants will take part in the intervention activities and record all the details from one intervention to another. The subject would measure their weight gain when having little physical activities and whe n having increased physical activities. Using a scale, the participants will describe the experience in the process of intervention by rating their efficiency of the intervention. All the results obtained would be recorded in a table. Discussion. A table with data on the extend of physical activity, healthy eating, and weight gained would be established. The increase in physical activity and healthy eating would be compared with the weight gain of the participants. The mean, standard deviation, and the mode for the data would be established (Bowling, 2007). A graph of weight gain against the physical
The write choice Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
The write choice - Assignment Example Amnesty International, an international human rights organisation has also argued that capital punishment is the ultimate denial of for human rights. They argue that since death penalty is the premeditated taking of a human life by a government, it is the ultimate disrespect for human life and therefore should not be allowed. Today, United States, according to Amnesty international has the fourth highest number of executions in the world and together with the first three countries (China, Iran, and Saudi Arabia) make up over 91% of total executions in the world (Gill, para 1). This has raised concerns especially seeing that USA is in the company of the most undemocratic nations in the world such as China and Iran. One of the biggest challenges in justifying death penalty as a way to bring justice to victims of murder and their family is the fact that it is possible to wrongfully convict a person. If a person in convicted of any other crime and imprisoned and later seen to be not guilty, they can always be acquitted. If on the other hand a person is executed and later new evidence shows that he was not guilty, there is no way of bringing back that person to life, which would mean that the government will have committed murder. According to Robertson (221), there is always a chance that a person can change and should therefore be given a second chance by preserving their lives. Robertson, Diane. Tears From Heaven: Voices From Hell: The Pros and Cons of the Death Penalty as Seen Through the Eyes of the Victims of Violent Crime and Death Row Inmates Throughout America. New York NY: iUniverse, 2002.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
I'm not sure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
I'm not sure - Essay Example In addition to honoring elders, the path to virtue is found through restraint. This means that the individual must not indulge for personal satisfaction in order to stay on the path that will bring him/her to higher levels of achievement. When the individual behaves in a manner that expresses his/her position on the path as he/she is following the Way, the development of the community is achieved through right and moral good which in turn contributes to social betterment. Finding the Way is the path to finding virtue. The term virtue refers to moral worthiness, specifically and is referring to the power within the individual to act along the path. As Kong and Slingerland suggest, during the Shang period virtue was about the personal power within someone. This referred to charisma and the way in which the individual attracted people to them so that they would follow (242). This does not always mean that someone is good, however. A good example is that of Fidel Castro. One of the comme nts made by Barbara Walters when she had interviewed him was that she was wildly attracted to him and sexually compelled by his personal power (Ratcliff 130). In some interpretations of the Shang period of virtue, this would make Fidel Castro virtuous. The mark of this power was envisioned as a part of the divine right that was given to a leader as a blessing. The intention was to make the ruler seem that they were not to be questioned. The ruling position was deserved. The Zhou shifted this to mean that the observance of ritual was recognized by Heaven through which a ruler was then given divine blessing. What Confucius did was then place this not only within the power of the ruler, but into the power of the individual. This can almost be seen as the action that Martin Luther took when he opened up the path to God through the individual with the intervention of the priests no longer necessary. The sense of Heaven could be felt through the Way, and the way was accessible by the indi vidual (Kong and Slingerland 242). Dao is a reference to the Way. The Way refers to a path, which Confucius defines as a literal way of doing things in order to meet certain expectations of what it means to be a good and wholesome person. The Way is distinctly defined by a means to morality, the path through which the individual must go in order to move towards living a moral life. Kong and Songerland write that â€Å"this Way is manifested in the ritual practices, music and literature passed down from the Golden Age of the Western Zhou†(243). This means that culture is highly important in fulfilling the path of the Way. Culture is of high importance to the practice of morality. In passage 1.6, the â€Å"Master said, ‘A young person should be filial when at home and respectful of his elders when in public. Conscientious and trustworthy, he should display a general care for the masses, but feel a particular affection for those who are Good. If he has any strength left over after manifesting theses virtues in practice, let him devote it to learning the cultural arts†(Kong and Slingerland 3). This task is both difficult and easy, the mandate depending on the nature of the individual and their position within the world. The individual who is inclined to have respect for their elders and is consistent in showing respect for the people in his or her environment and who has a desire to seek the learning about the cultural arts can accomplish this goal. The
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Commodities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Commodities - Essay Example The immeasurable significance accorded to oil, in all the forms it occurs, by political empires can be traced to as early as the first decade of the 20th century when governments started showing interest in private oil companies. On behalf of the British government, Winston Churchill proposed a bill to the House of Commons in 1914 that sought to acquire a 51% controlling stake in the Anglo-Persian oil company at a cost of  £2.2 million. A hidden motive can be seen in this move because the acquisition agreement further stated that the government would install two directors in the company that would have no hand in commercial activities. Rather, their only role would be to sanction political matters and those relating to Admiralty oil contracts. Fuel oil prices were already rising occasioned by the rising need of an industry that relied on oil-powered propulsion. It was the view of some members of the House of Commons that the cause of the price increase was a new special use found f or oil, and not some rings or trusts, which was also contributing to its shortage. From the notion of a new and special use being discussed in the House, one can easily link oil to politics. It was soon established that the â€Å"use†was in the form of other countries stocking up on fleets of oil tankers in case of war. From history, we learn that Britain had an abundance of coal at the beginning of the 20th century, but no oil reserves had been discovered within it by that time. It then becomes apparent that the decision to acquire private oil companies was informed by the technological advancements of the Anglo-German maritime prowess. Only oil, and not coal, could provide the edge crucially required in terms of resilience and speed to assist the British maintain the naval supremacy that the Germans were so relentlessly working towards. Here, it can be seen how oil had become a key strategic commodity in national policy. While the Anglo-Persian deal assured the firm a vari ety of secure markets and capital, it, more significantly, provided a steady oil supply to the British government and guaranteed its survival, albeit only for a foreseeable future. This is further confirmed by Churchill’s revelation that the acquisition’s objective was to keep the navy prepared. A critical examination of that objective brings to light the fact that the precedence of investing oil in national security over a flourishing market was legitimized just before WWI. This is even strengthened by the way advocates of national security within the British government supported the limiting of oil in the market. Moving toward WWII, it is apparent that it was an affair between industrial powers. Therefore, nations that had no oil were greatly disadvantaged. For
Monday, September 23, 2019
Life-changing experience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Life-changing experience - Essay Example I was caught driving while drunk and was sent behind bars. I do not want to recall that unfortunate event but for the sake of learning the lesson, I must remember that. Here, I shall describe that night which changed my life. The experience has totally changed me and has given me a meaningful purpose of living that is beneficial for me and the society as well. Last summer, my friends and I decided to hang out till late night. We picked a point where we were supposed to gather. I grabbed my car, took some money, and there I was in the streets of Mexicali. We had to gather at a point. I met my friends and we had a party. Everything was going good until Michael, a friend of mine, brought drinks. â€Å"Cheers!†, we said and took drink after drink. When we left, I was alone in my car driving back home, drunk. I could not see properly and I could not feel that I was over speeding too. I remember a car coming toward me from the opposite side and all I could hear after that was a loud â€Å"Bang!†My head smashed on the front screen as I forgot to put the seat belt on, and my car’s bonnet got damaged badly. I did not know what happened after that. I woke up with some noise.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Advanced Audio Coding and Walkman Essay Example for Free
Advanced Audio Coding and Walkman Essay Technology has played an important in part in market and in the society. It has brought positive as well as negative changes. The progression from sheet music to the invention of a phonograph to the walkman, CD player and the iPod has created a modernized society. People tend to move along with these changes creating a market. The idea of transferring digital music to your iPod without purchase of a CD or an audiotape may seem like an extraordinary idea but the idea of digital music has led to the downloading of illegal music. The Walkman may have been the turning point in the music recording industry. It was a chain reaction for later products such as the iPod and the CD player. Long before the iPod made its way into the market making millions; the Walkman was the trendy technology. Sony introduced the Walkman in the 1970s, a new invention that led to be a massive hit. Sony ended up selling around fifty thousand pieces by the end of two months after its release. Eventually, other famous brands such as Toshiba and Panasonic entered the walkman market creating a market in the early 1980s. Surprisingly, the production of the Walkman led to an increase in physical activities. This portable device could be carried anywhere and had a hook to attach to any item of clothing. People started exercising more as one can listen to his or her choice of music while working out especially in gymnasiums. This brought a change in the society as people began to implement physical training more often. This also had a disadvantage since people who had their headphones plugged in tend to be more indifferent to their surroundings. This created an environment, where everyone is tuned in into their little environment being oblivious to what is happening around them. With the creation of walkman, the sale of digital audio tapes also increased. As iPods are the 21st century popular forms of music player technology, the walkman was the latest thing. This generation became more ‘wired’ as teenagers started to grow apart from the notion of young people together singing the songs of the day or the old songs in front of their houses. Sheet music became obsolete, as fewer and fewer people moved to a more modernized technology and era. Comparing to the advances in the 21st century, the walkman is seen as an old portable audio cassette player, where rewinding and forwarding a song would take twenty or thirty seconds. The latest music technology, mp3s or iPod, have put people at an ease with sophisticated technology and its touch screen display has bought a change in this profit-making business. The slick structure and the advanced A Walkman today would cost you merely twenty dollar where as an iPod can cost anywhere from a hundred to a couple hundred dollars. How digital music is illegally downloaded and used today on music players, Walkman on the other hand required the purchase of audiotapes. As Paul Du Gay notes in his book ‘Doing cultural studies: the story of the Sony Walkman’, the walkman accustomed individuals to tune out from the surroundings and caused them to be reclusive. This also led to a cause of a gneration gap between teenagers and their parents or older siblings. The walkman was used by people when in crowded places, such as trains or buses as a means to drown away noises. This seemed as an effective way to creating your own space but this eventually leads to people tuning themselves out even when at home. Teenagers liked to keep their headphones on throughout the day; I believe this led to a distance between them and their peers. Eventually, a type of distance grew among people, sheet music was nearly extinct and the customary ritual of singing together was far disappeared. In conclusion, the Walkman has definitely been a jump from the traditional tape recorder players to portable audio players. Its creation has had its advantages and disadvantages. The increase in the level of physical activity has increased among the owners of Walkman due to the fact that it is portable. Although, on a downside the Walkman has also led to the creation of a secluded attitude.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Principles of Liability in Negligence in Business Activities
Principles of Liability in Negligence in Business Activities Aspects of Contract and Negligence for Business Ingrida Miseviciute Table of Contents Task 1 (AC3.1)1 Task 2 (AC3.2)2 Task 3 (AC3.3)3 Task 4 (AC4.1)4 Task 5 (AC4.2)5 References6 LO 3 Understand principles of liability in negligence in business activities Task 1 (AC 3.1) Liability in Tort Contractual liability Definition: A tort is a legal term describing a violation where one person causes damage, injury, or harm to another person. The violation may result from intentional actions, a breach of duty as in negligence, or due to a violation of statutes. Explanation: The party that commits the tort is called the tortfeasor. A tortfeasor incurs tort liability, meaning that they will have to reimburse the victim for the harm that they caused them. In other words, the tortfeasor who is found to be â€Å"liable†or responsible for a person’s injuries will likely be required to pay damages. Damages: Under most tort laws, the injury suffered by the plaintiff does not have to actually be physical. A tortfeasor may be required to pay damages for other types of harm, including emotional distress or a violation of personal rights. Types: Joint Liability Vicarious Liability Liability to/for Third Parties Plaintiff/victim Liability Strict Liability Parent Liability. Definition: Contractual liabilityis defined as liability that does not arise by way of negligence, but by assumption under contract or agreement. Explanation: A contract is a legal binding agreement between two or more persons. When you sign, or agree to the terms of a contract, then you have accepted the contractual liabilities set forth in the document. Damages: Liabilities are things that you can be held accountable for, and may have to repay or replace, in the event that they occur. For example, a renter’sagreement may state that, If upon moving out of the premises stated in the contract, any part of the premises is destroyed, you may be accountable for and have to pay to repair, or replace the damage. Types: Contractual liability can take many forms, but is basically holds you accountable for damages that are stated in the contract. For example, Commercial contracts, domestic contracts and so forth. Task 2 (AC3.2) Negligence is a failure to use reasonable care that results in harm to another party. There are four important elements to a negligence lawsuit that must be proven: The defendant owed a duty, either to the plaintiff or to the general public The defendant violated that duty The defendants violation of the duty resulted in harm to the plaintiff The plaintiffs injury was foreseeable by a reasonable person. Donohughe V Stevenson (1932) This famous case established the civil law tort of negligence and obliged manufacturers to have a duty of care towards their customers. The events of the complaint took place in Scotland in 1928, when Ms May Donoghue was given a bottle of ginger beer, purchased by a friend. The bottle was later discovered to contain a decomposing snail. Since the bottle was not of clear glass, Donoghue was not aware of the snail until she had consumed most of its contents. She later fell ill and was diagnosed with gastroenteritis by a doctor. Donoghue subsequently took legal action against the manufacturer of the ginger beer, Stevenson. She lodged a writ in the Court of Sessions (Scotland’s highest civil court) seeking  £500 damages. Because her friend had purchased the drink, Donoghue could not sue on the basis that a contract had been breached; her lawyers instead had to claim that Stevenson had a duty of care to his consumers and that he had caused injury through negligence – an area of civil law that was largely untested at that time. Stevenson’s lawyers challenged the action on the basis that no precedents existed for such a claim. However Donoghue was later granted leave to appeal to the House of Lords, which then had the judicial authority to hear appellate cases. The leading judgement, delivered by Lord Atkin in 1932, established that Stevenson should be responsible for the well-being of individuals who consume his products, given that they could not be inspected. The case was returned to the original court; Stevenson died before the case was finalised and Donoghue was awarded a reduced amount of damages from his estate. This case established several legal principles: Firstly, that negligence is a distinct tort. A plaintiff can take civil action against a respondent, if the respondent’s negligence causes the plaintiff injury or loss of property. Previously the plaintiff had to demonstrate some contractual arrangement for negligence to be proven, such as the sale of an item or an agreement to provide a service. Since Donoghue had not purchased the drink, she could prove no contractual arrangement with Stevenson – yet Atkin’s judgement established that Stevenson was still responsible for the integrity of his product. Secondly, manufacturers have a duty of care to consumers. According to Lord Atkin’s ratio decendi, â€Å"a manufacturer of products, which he sells †¦ to reach the ultimate consumer in the form in which they left him †¦ owes a duty to the consumer to take reasonable care†. This precedent has evolved and expanded to form the basis of laws that protect consumers from contaminated or faulty goods. Thirdly, Lord Atkin’s controversial ‘neighbour principle’. Here Atkin raised the question of which people may be directly affected by our actions, our conduct or things we manufacture. â€Å"You must take reasonable care to avoid acts or omissions which you can reasonably foresee would be likely to injure your neighbour. Who, then, in law, is my neighbour? The answer seems to be: persons who are so closely and directly affected by my act that I ought to have them in [mind] when I am I am [considering these] acts or omissions.†Task 3 (AC3.3) Vicarious liability is a situation in which one party is held partly responsible for the unlawful actions of a third party. The third party also carries his or her own share of the liability. Vicarious liability can arise in situations where one party is supposed to be responsible for (and have control over) a third party, and is negligent in carrying out that responsibility and exercising that control. If an employee injures someone in the course of their employment, the employer may be subject to vicarious liability. This simply means that the injured person may be able to win compensation for the harm from the employer, rather than the employee. This is not to say, though, that the employee can always count on getting away scot-free. Even if there is vicarious liability, the injured person does not necessarily give up any right he may have to pursue the employee individually. If, for some reason, the injured person is unable to get full compensation from the employer, then he might seek to recover the balance from the employee. In addition, the employer may well seek reimbursement for any amount paid to the injured person (although in practice this rarely occurs). Generally, employers dispute vicarious liability claims on the following grounds: The person who caused the harm was not an employee, but an independent contractor or other non-employee worker; The employee did not harm the injured person in the course of the employees employment. An illustration of the test is provided by two contrasting cases, [Limpus v London General Omnibus Company] and [Beard v London General Omnibus Company], both involving road collisions. In the former, a driver pulled in front of another rival omnibus, in order to obstruct it. Despite express prohibitions from the employer, they were found liable; this was merely an unauthorised mode of the employee carrying out his duties (driving), not an entirely new activity. By contrast, in the latter case, London General Omnibus Company were not liable where a conductor (employed to collect fares on board the bus) negligently chose to drive the vehicle instead; this was completely outside of his duties. LO 4 Be able to apply principles of liability in negligence in business situations Task 4.1(AC4.1) A tort, in common law jurisdictions, is a civil wrong which unfairly causes someone else to suffer loss or harm resulting in legal liability for the person who commits the act. Although crimes may be torts, the cause of legal action is not necessarily a crime, as the harm may be due to negligence which does not amount to criminal negligence. The victim of the harm can recover their loss as damages in a lawsuit. In order to prevail, the plaintiff in the lawsuit must show that the actions or lack of action was the legally recognizable cause of the harm. The equivalent of tort in civil law jurisdictions is delict. Tort law is different from criminal law in that: (1) torts may result from negligent but not intentional or criminal actions and (2) tort lawsuits have a lower burden of proof such as preponderance of evidence rather than beyond a reasonable doubt. Sometimes a plaintiff may prevail in a tort case even if the person who caused the harm was acquitted in an earlier criminal trial. For example, O.J. Simpson was acquitted in criminal court and later found liable for the tort of wrongful death. Torts may be categorized in several ways, with a particularly common division between negligent and intentional torts. The standard action in tort is negligence. Negligence is a tort which arises from the breach of the duty of care owed by one person to another from the perspective of a reasonable person. The majority determined that the definition of negligence can be divided into four component parts that the plaintiff must prove to establish negligence. The elements in determining the liability for negligence are: The plaintiff was owed a duty of care through a special relationship (e.g. doctor-patient) or some other principle. There was a dereliction or breach of that duty. The tortfeasor directly caused the injury [but for the defendants actions, the plaintiff would not have suffered an injury]. The plaintiff suffered damage as a result of that breach. The damage was not too remote; there was proximate cause to show the breach caused the damage. Elements of Negligence Proximate cause Proximate cause means that you must be able to show that the harm was caused by the tort you are suing for. The defence may argue that there was a prior cause or a superseding intervening cause. A common situation where a prior cause becomes an issue is the personal injury car accident, where the person re-injures an old injury. Duty of care It arises when one party creates a scenario that has the potential to harm the other party. Duty focuses on relationship between the two parties: The test whether the defendant owes a duty of care to plaintiff includes: Would a reasonable person have foreseen that the actions would have caused harm to the plaintiff? Reasonable person represents an objective standard. Breach of duty Breach of duty occurs when a â€Å"reasonable person†is not exercising the degree of care that would have expected from him/her in that situation. Reasonable person is an average person. It does not require perfection, but takes into account that an average person does not foresee every risk. The average person is not assumed to be flawless, but ordinarily careful and prudent. Actual Harm Actual harm could be in the form of physical or emotional injuries, property damages or financial loss. The main remedy against tortious loss is compensation in damages or money. According to the scenario, Chris was in an internet cafe. He got up to purchase a coffee and was slipped on some water that was on the floor and broke his arm. This depends upon the intention of Chris. If Chris slipped intentionally and did foresee this accident, then the cafe’ will not be responsible for the damages caused. If this is not the case, then the elements of negligence need to be applied to see if Chris can claim the damages. Negligence is important aspect to look at, means that the defendant (the cafe’) failed to act in a reasonable manner under the circumstances. For example, it is reasonable to expect that the cafe’ placed a warning signs in recently mopped areas or wet surface. If this is not done, then it means that the cafe’ did not fulfil the duty of care. Chris can claim damages as a result of it as he slipped and broke his arm. There are various implications on the scenario in terms of duty of care, negligence (intentional or otherwise) and it is up to the court to decide the outcome. Task 5 (AC4.2) Two clear elements must be established in order to establish a vicarious liability: Was the tortfeasor the defendant’s employee; and Was the tortfeasor acting in the course of his or her employment at the time the tort was committed. The existence of a relationship of employer and employee Many tests have been suggested for distinguishing between a contract of service and a contract for services. These include: Control test Ready Mix Concrete Ltd v Minister of Pensions and National Insurance (1968) Integration test – Stevenson Jordan Harrison Ltd v MacDonald Evans (1952) Organisation Test – Albrighton v Royal Prince Alfred Hopital (1980) â€Å"The ultimate question will always be whether a person is acting as the servant of another or on his own behalf and the answer to that question may be indicated in ways which are not always the same and which do not always have the same significance†. Conclusion as to whether defendant is an employer or contractor. If the defendant is an independent contractor the employer can’t be vicariously liable for the acts of that contractor. The employer will only be liable (as a primary liability) if the employer’s tortious duty is, in law, non-delegable: Kondis v STA; Burnie Port Authority v General Jones Pty Ltd. Was the employee acting within the course of employment? General rule is that whilst acting in the course of employment the employer is not vicariously liable for independent wrongful acts of employees (Bugge Brown). In determining the scope of the employment relationship the actions of the employee must be reasonably incidental to employment i.e. the employer is not vicariously liable if the employee is on a frolic of their own (Joel v Morison). (Situations to consider the necessary authorities) Wrongful mode of completing authorised act – employer vicariously liable (Bugge Brown) Express prohibition by employer not necessarily a defence if the employee’s act was still a mode of doing what he employee was employed to do – employer vicariously liable (Century Insurance Company v Northern Island Road Transport). Acting outside scope of employment relationship – employer not vicariously liable (Koorang Investments v Richardson). Driving cases For example, there are a number of truck driving cases where the court has had to decide whether the driver was acting within the course of his employment when driving the vehicle outside a designated route. Essentially, the pattern seems to be that if the drivers job is to get from Point A to Point B, and his detour from the designated route was simply another way of getting to Point B, then he is acting within the course of his employment. On the other hand, if the driver takes a detour for some other, non-business purpose (such as picking up a girlfriend and taking her shopping) then he would likely be regarded as acting outside the course of his employment. According to the scenario, Trevor is a driver who drives a lorry for a Haulage firm. He delivers deliveries for the company which suggests that he is an employee of the firm. Whilst at work, he detours the lorry and meets his girl friend. This is a non business purpose which means he is acting outside the scope of his duties. As he leaves his girlfriend’s house to continue deliveries, he negligently crashes into a car park. As stated above, two conditions must be met in order to establish a vicarious liability: was the tortfeasor the defendant’s employee; and Was the tortfeasor acting in the course of his or her employment at the time the tort was committed. In this case, the tortfeasor was Chris and the defendant is the Haulage firm. Chris was an employee and also he was acting in the course of his employment to meet his girlfriend and later on crashes his lorry. The vicarious liability is established and hence Chris is liable and not the haulage firm. References Tort Liability (2014). Available: [Last accessed 10 March, 2014] Donoghue V Stevenson (1932). Available: [Last accessed 12 March, 2014]. Negligence (2014). Available: [Last accessed 12 March, 2014] Accidents and injuries (2014). Available: [Last accessed 13 March, 2014] Vicarious Liability (2014). Available: [Last accessed 13 March, 2014] Breach of duty (2014). Available: [Last accessed 14 March, 2014] Tort (2014). Available: [Last accessed 14 March, 2014] Eustace, D, (2007) Negligent Misstatement – Dillon Eustace. Keenan, D., and Smith, K., (2006) Law for Business (13th Edition) Pearson Education Limited. McKendrick, E. Contract Law (2000). fourth edition. McMillan. Basington. Poole, J. Casebook on Contract Law (2001). 5th edition. London. Vickneswaren, K., (1997) Obligations: Contract Law (1st Edition) Old Bailey Press: London.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
The Health Benefits of Exercise Essay -- Healthy Lifestyle Essay
Exercise is one of the most important factors in a persons’ life. Physical activity, or the lack of it, can result in a person having a healthy life or cause them to have diabetes. The benefits of exercise are countless. The positive health results, the improvement in attitude, even better academic performance are all factors which make not exercising inexcusable. Merely not using a person’s body is harmful. Not being active results in a person’s muscles becoming weak and out of condition. The effectiveness of a person’s heart and lungs will decrease. A person’s joints will become stiff and can be injured easily. Inactivity can be as much of a health risk as smoking. In addition children have become extremely lazy with all the entertainment available in this day and age. Most Americans watch three and a half hours of television every day. By the age of sixty five over nine years will have been spent in front of a screen. Over one-third children from ages four to nineteen eat fast food every day and fifteen percent in that age set are obese. It is especially important to prevent children and adolescences from becoming obese. According to â€Å"Obesity and Overweight for Professionals: Data and Statistics†eighty percent of obese children become obese adults. The number of overweight children in America has dou bled since the 1980s. People have begun resorting to unsuccessful diets and each day thousands of teens become bulimic or anorexic to lose weight. Thirty four to thirty seven percent of adults in America are obese. This has increased dramatically in the past twenty years (â€Å"Obesity†). The simple answer to this problem is to start exercising. The U.S. Department of Health and Human services says that children and teens need a... ...ical Activity for Families and Children." National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. Web. 24 Apr. 2011. . Llewellyn, Claire. Exercise. London: QED, 2006. Print. â€Å"Mayo Clinic.†Web. 27 Apr. 2011. . "Obesity and Overweight for Professionals: Data and Statistics | DNPAO | CDC." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Web. 24 Apr. 2011. . Payment, Simone. What Happens to Your Body When You Run. New York, NY: Rosen Central, 2010. Print. The World Book Encyclopedia. Chicago: World Book, 2001. Print. "What Is Basal Metabolic Rate?" Personal Trainer Cindy Brotherston for Fitness, Weight Loss and Nutrition. Web. 24 Apr. 2011. .
Essay On Animism And The Contributions Of Thales, Anaximander, And Ana
     In the early times, before the beginning of human civilization and development of philosophy, people believed in the idea that Gods, who basically controlled every individual aspect of human existence, controlled the world. Some primitive people believed in the idea of Animism, or Hylozoism. (The belief that everything in the universe, especially material objects, have some kind of sole or is a living being.) These people believed that rocks, trees, and water had some kind of sole. Animism can still be seen today in Native American tribes as well as the Aboriginal people of Australia.      Although the Greek culture didn’t believe in Animism, an Ionian named Thales adopted this idea in his own way. Thales was born in the Greek city-state of Ionia in the mid 620’s(BC.) Thales did not only study knowledge philosophy, but also practiced science, history, engineering, geography, and politics. Thales was the first of his time to propose theories of a primary substance that causes change, and supports the universe. Thales believed that water was this substance, and the essence of life. He also believed that it was made up of small Gods. Although his theories didn’t prove to be right, such as spontaneous generation, or the theory that earthquakes were caused by waves, Thales is considered to be the father of philosophy.      Anaximander was another Ionian who happened to be a philoso...
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Confucianism and Taoism :: Chinese China History
Confucianism and Taoism The Chinese people have three main traditions in their history- Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism. I am going to be talking about Confucianism and Taoism. Both of these date back to the Sixth Century B.C. The traditional founder of Taoism is Confucius and Laozi. On top of many other things Confucius was a very influential speaker. Throughout time, his teachings, and preaching developed into a religion. He spoke to a wide variety of people. Daoist tend to look back to Laozi as their founder. Over centuries, Taoism was transformed from a small religion, very conservative, into a loosely organized religion. During the Second Century B.C., a ruler named Han had the most part in it. A large number of religious groups rose from this because of the social and political disorder. One of these groups named the Yellow Turbans in eastern China., fought Han in 184 B.C. This led to a civil war. Han lost authority and power, and his generals became warlords. Then, in Western China, a group known as the Way of the Celestial Masters came into power. From the Second Century B.C., Taoists and others believed it was possible to find an elixir which would make them immortal. An elixir is a sweetened alcoholic medicinal preparation, but back in ancient philosophy it was thought to be for changing base metals into gold, or for prolonging life. Research flourished because of this belief. But the chief ingredient, cinnabar, was found to be poisonous. Many imperial deaths ensued from this. But this was not the only way to achieve immortality back in ancient times. Another belief said that a man would have to acquire 108 women to get granted 10,000 years of life. For more than 2,000 years ,Chinese, Japananese, and Korean people have lived in cultures that were greatly influenced by the thoughts of Confucius. Confucius saw himself as an ordinary man doing a good deed for a diverse group of cultures. He taught his fellow human beings moral behavior and good family relationships. He thought that they are the key to a well ordered society. People valued his opinions and teachings very much and followed them in every day life. Confucius himself avoided talking about religion, but at the same time recognized the importance of worshipping his ancestors. He believed that he was not guided by religion, but by a higher power called heaven. Confucius lived at a time when China was changing.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Dispostional Personality Theories Essay
The two most common dispositional theories are Allport’s psychology of the individual theory and the trait and factor theory. Allport’s psychology of the individual theory emphasized that people are unique, even though they may share traits in common, and those unique qualities are what should be focused on. â€Å"More than any other personality theorist, Gordon Allport emphasized the uniqueness of the individual. He believed that attempts to describe people in terms of general traits rob them of their unique individuality†. In order to focus on the individuals uniqueness Allport felt that a broad theory is more useful than a narrow one and he would use information from different theorist in his research. For many years there has been much debate about how many traits actually have an effect on an individual’s personality. In recent years the majority of theorist have come to the conclusion that five is the magic number. Esyneck, McCrae, and Costa have focused their studies on the trait and facto theory and have done much research using standardized tests, clinical observations, and observations from friends and families of the individuals studied. â€Å"Trait and factor theories of personality are based on factor analysis, a procedure that assumes that human traits can be measured by correlational studies†. Each of these theories have different approaches to explaining an individual’s behavior. Both Allport’s psychology of the individual theory and the trait and factor theory have its own effect on individual personalities. Interpersonal relationships are influenced by each of these theories in its own way as well.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Queen Nefertari Essay
Queen Nefertari was the wife of Ramses II- the longest ruling pharaoh who reigned in the 19th Dynasty (1295-1255 B. C. ) which was from the 13th to 14th century and he continued to rule on on for seventy years. She married Ramses at the age of thirteen. Nefertari was also one of his many and favorite wives. She produced as many as ten children for Ramses among them two sons named Amonhirwonmef, Prehirwonmef, and two daughters named Merytamon and Mertatum. Her birth parents remain a mystery but it is determined that she is of royal heritage. Nefertari had a brother by the name of Amenmose who was the mayor of Thebes during her rule as queen. She was of high importance and because most portraits or pictures painted by ancient Egyptians are with Ramses II, this may mean she might’ve had a major political influence on Egypt. Queen Nefertari was not the only queen present during the rule of Ramses II, he had a household filled with many queens. His children were estimated at one hundred or more. Nefertari’s disappearance still is considered as a mystery although her tomb has been found and remains a precious treasure to Egypt. It is located in The Valley of the Queens. Ramses referred to Queen Nefertari as the â€Å"most beautiful one†which is one of her many names she is known by. Nefertari Mery-en-Mut name meant â€Å"most beautiful beloved of the goddess Mut. †Her full range of titles were â€Å"Great of praise†, â€Å"Sweet of love†, â€Å"Great royal wife†, â€Å"Lady of charm†, â€Å"Great royal wife, his beloved†, â€Å"Lady of the two lands†, â€Å"Lady of all lands†, â€Å"Wife of strong bull†, â€Å"God’s wife†, â€Å"Lady of upper and lower Egypt. Ramses also referred to his wife as â€Å"The one for whom the sun shines. †Nefertari married Ramses at the tender age of thirteen. Although very young she held the responsibility of being queen very well, going even as far as accompanying Ramses on one or two of his battles. It is said that Nefertari is of royal heritage, but her birth parents remain a mystery. Some Egyptologists think that she was probably the daughter of King Seti I, and thus sister or half sister of Ramses II himself. Other Egyptologists, however, think that her designation as â€Å"Hereditary Princess†might be in some way connected with her being representative of Thebais. The tomb of Queen Nefertari was discovered in 1904 and forbidden to take pictures of. More than 50 tombs mention her name. Nefertari out lived her husband by a number of years which her mummy indicates sh died around 70 years of age. She passed away sometime during Ramses 25 reigned year. After her death Isetnofret became his new principal wife. Queen Nefertari became royal at the age of thirteen and since then she has always been known for that and her beauty.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Photography in Social Media Essay
In theory, social networks can be used to boost confidence and make a person feel closer to his or her peers in their social lives. Teenagers in this day and age no longer live in a world of handwritten notes passed back and forth in class. They are living social lives on a completely public forum. The youth of this generation have the access to take a picture of anything they wish and have the ability to post the picture to any social networking site for the world to see. With technology advancing, it is becoming easier and easier to document life through technology and can be done as simply as a flick of the wrist. Photography has had a significant impact on the social lives of today’s youth. To understand this impact on the youth, people have to look at the evolution of photography. The history of photography dates back to 1000 A.D., when a man by the name of Alhazen invented the pinhole camera (Bellis). Ever sine this marvelous invention, the art of photography has grown. When the ability of taking pictures was first introduced to the world, few people could afford it so in the beginning it wasn’t very popular. Today, it is seldom heard of that a household does not own one or more cameras. The way technology has advanced over the years, most cell phones today even have cameras built in them. As a result of the growing popularity the physical camera advanced to meet the demands of its new found audiences (Bellis). Social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook are guaranteed to have millions of visitors daily. With all of these visitors, advertisors have an excellent place to do what they do best; advertise. They do this by selecting a photo that is appealing to a particular audience and providing a brief description on how that photo relates to their product or services and how the reader could benefit from this. How the picture is displayed is crucial to the overall benefit of the advertisement so it is imperitive that a good photographer is used in order to make sure the photo is as attractive as possible. Advertising is the best way for businesses to reach out to the youth in order to make a profit and keep the economy flowing as smoothly as it can. Although advertising through social media is not the only way to do it, it is the most common and most effective (â€Å"The Social Media Advertising Ecosystem Explained†). Clearly picture advertisments are needed on social networking sites to keep the sites funded while selling a product to keep the businesses funded. Photo editing is a crucial step in the creating of the final photograph. It is required that a photographer has basic knowledge of photo editing if one wants to be successful. The most important part of a photo shoot is the work it involves after the photos have been shot! Post processing photo editing has become the anthem for many professional photographers (â€Å"What Is Photo Editing?†). To achieve above work standards, the photo editing professionals have to use the correct software. There are many different kinds of software that have been introduced for professional editors. Photo editing gives people the ability of re-sizing and cropping their picture, changing the exposure and contrast of their picture, special effects and many more features depending on the editing software. Photo editing is a beautiful process that can remove unwanted blemishes and any unwanted objects from digital photos (â€Å"What Is Photo Editing?†). A photo editor is in charge of what th e final photograph will look like. If the editors are successful, the photo will appear to be un-edited, but will display a beautiful flawless image. Photo editing is an essential part of photography. Once the photos have been edited, it opens up many possibilitys on the web. There are multiple social networking sites that use photography and photo editing as their main purpose. Snapchat, Instgram, and Tumblr all include photography in social media. All of these social networking sites impact the social lives of today’s youth. The users of these sites are allowed to judge the other users photos by virtually â€Å"liking†them or writing their own opinions on the photo by leaving a comment on it. This can be subliminally considered a social ranking to teens who are looking for positive attention. This is one way that Social Media impacts the lives of today’s youth. A big impact on today’s youth is snapchat. Snapchat is a new way to share moments with friends. Snapchat is a photo messaging application developed by Stanford University students. In addition to photos, a short video can be sent. Snap an ugly selfie or a video, add a caption, and send it to a friend or maybe a few. They will receive it, laugh, and then the snap disappears forever. The captions in the videos and pictures can only be as long as the screen is wide. If a user would like to fit more text on the screen, they would either tilt the device sideways so the text bar is longer, or write the words using the draw tool on snapchat. The color of the pen can be changed. Account users take a photo, send it to someone and ten-seconds later it has disappeared forever. No saving them, no forwarding them on. The app is designed to capture a moment and share it in an impermanent way, like speech. The image might be a little grainy, and users may not look their best, but that’s the point. It’s about the moment, a connection between friends, and not just a pretty picture although in the newest udpate filters were added so now editing is even allowed on Snapchat. On average, about 20 million snapchats are sent a day. Snapchat has a big impact on the social lives of today’s youth. There are multiple types of social networking sites that deal with photography and impact the social lives of today’s youth significantly such as, Instagram. Many teens and adults post images to a social networking site called Instagram. Instagram is an online photo-sharing, video-sharing and social networking service that enables its users to take pictures and videos, apply digital filters to them, and share them on a variety of social networking services, such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and Flickr. Many teens and adults post pictures to Instagram using simple editing tool s such as filters to give their photos more of an â€Å"artsy†feel (â€Å"Picture to Pedophile†). â€Å"Instagrammers†post any photo they wish to display in the hopes of getting a multiple number of â€Å"likes†on that particular photo. It is almost like a social ranking in the teen social life. Sometimes photos are of the places they have been, or the things that they desire, or the food that they are consuming, and sometimes of themselves. Pictures on Instagram of the account creator are called â€Å"selfies†. The problem here is that the photos are very publicly available and are assigned to their user account (Picture to Pedophile). With teens living their social lives on a completely public forum, parents need to inform their children about privacy settings and internet safety. Instagram greatly impacts the social lives of today’s youth. Simply put, Tumblr is an image blogging site. With over 15 billion page views a month, Tumblr is a very addicting site to teens and youth in this day and age. Tumblr users post interesting photos, videos, and other media to their followers, who can then share it with their followers as well. Tumblr has played a signiï ¬ cant role in shaping an individual’s identity and personality towards themselves and society via photo representation. The Tumblr environment has remarkably transformed the perspectives of adolescents’ own appearance and is one of the main contributors for the desire of teenagers to conform and stick to what is supposedly the norm of the status quo. Tumblr’s heavy emphasis on visual media, therefor, Tumblr is a photography based site that significantly impacts the social lives of today’s youth. Seeing as these personal photos are being publically broadcasted across the cyber world, many dangers come into play. â€Å"Catfishing†is a form of identity theft in which an online user is not who they claim to be. They steal pictures and try to represent the displayed person in order to gain something. This has become such a big issue recently that producers at MTV have made a TV show about noticing the signs of a person claiming to be someone they are not. As soon as a picture is posted online, it can be stolen and used by anyone who can view it. Once a picture is online, it is no longer private, even if the owner is unaware somebody else is using it. Online safety is a big issue when it comes to personal photographs (â€Å"Picture to Pediphile†). As the prevalence of online social networking grows so do psychologist’s concerns aboutInternet communications and its overall effect on adolescent social development. For example, while positive feedback on a photo would most likely cause a boost in self esteem, a negative type of feedback would contrarily do the opposite and cause a decrease in self esteem. Although a self esteem boost seems like a good thing, it can also have a negative effect on a teenager. â€Å"Too many compliments can all go straight to their ego and eventually it will be so big there will not be any room for their original personality.†A harsh case of criticism will also end up with negative effects as well. Cyber bullying is a major contributor to depression in young social networkers. The publicity and freedom of judgment on these uploaded photos can have major effect on how a young person feels towards themselves and how they act. This is one of the most important ways that photography im pacts the social lives of the youth. While social networking does indeed have an effect on the youth of today, the photography that is involved with social networking plays an even bigger role in how the youth is effected. What would Facebook be without profile pictures and photo albums and the critics who judge them in the comment section? Would there even be Instagram or Snapchat? How would a teenager get the much needed self-esteem boost from a friendly compliment on a recently uploaded photo? Photography in social media and it’s effect on the youth is much larger than what most people realize. Works Cited Bellis, Mary. â€Å"History of Photography and the Camera.† Inventors., 05 Mar. 2014. Web. 06 Apr. 2014. â€Å"The Social Media Advertising Ecosystem Explained.†Business Insider. N.p., 8 June 2013. Web. 6 Apr. 2014. . Munni, Rokaiya Y. â€Å"What Is Photo Editing?†Photo Editing and Photoshop Clipping Path Services What Is Photo Editing Comments. N.p., 1 Aug. 2012. Web. 06 Apr. 2014. . Birdsong, Toni. â€Å"Picture to Pedophile: The Danger of Instagram and Kik Messenger.†McAfee Picture to Pedophile The Danger of Instagram and Kik Messenger Comments. McAfee, 4 June 2013. Web. 06 Apr. 2014. .
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Education: Your First Ticket to a Journey Called Life Essay
Every schools, universities, or institutions have their own mission for their students to hone their skills but all of them has one goal, it is to produce intelligent and productive graduates, for them to produce educated men. But what is an educated man? For me, an educated man is someone who studied very well who always work hard and doing efforts in school and most especially who finished his studies with excellence. Mr. Jovito Salonga did a really good job on giving different citations that will justify what an educated man really is. I got his point that an educated man do not refer to those people who is really fond of reading, the problem to us Filipinos, we all have the ability to read but we don’t know what reading materials are worth reading for, that is why we often have low quality of education here in the Philippines.. And with my observation to my fellow Filipinos especially to the young ones, they are fond of reading showbiz magazines, comics and other non-essential reading materials and if you let them read a story or novel, they can read but the don’t know how to comprehend. And I also agreed on his comparison between Philippines and Japan. Philippines is a rich country in terms of natural resources that we Filipinos are our source of food and often in our livelihood. But still, our country don’t have sufficient skills to make our country great that is why we are one of the third world countries while Japan is a poor country in terms of natural resources and even tested by calamities like the deadly tsunami in 2011 and killed many lives but we can see now that Japan stood up and recovered simple because it has people of abundant skills. Education is a man’s stepping stone to a better and brighter life. It’s a way of improving and enhancing their skills and education is the first and important ticket to a long journey called life. Mr. Jovito Salonga’s â€Å"An Educated Man†is one of the best and inspirational speech a student can ever hear or read. He gave a great emphasis on what an educated man really is. Many factors are considered to say that a person is an educated man but Mr. Salonga broke the unusual outlook in an educated man. When I read the title â€Å" An Educated Man†, I have this own perspective on what was the content of the speech. I expected it to be inspirational and it is really inspirational but my mistake is, I thought an educated man will just depend on how much he reads often and how many books he already read and how many facts and information are piled up on his mind but through the speech, I had y his clear understanding about a real educated man. As I read it, I was so inspired and in the back of my mind , I had this big determination to push through and do my best in my studies. I realized it is not really about how many medals and awards you had but it is about how you live your life and at the same time apply the learnings you had when you were still studying. Like what other people say, at the end of your life of being a student, you can’t always use your medals and awards in this complicated life, it is not always how you did good in school but it is sometimes how you go through and how you excel outside the four-cornered room and how you face the realities of life. In Mr. Salonga’s speech, he wasn’t intended to say or mean that a student’s hardwork of memorizing a lot and reading hundred of books are a waste of time but he was just trying to imply that far more important than the making of a living, is a living of life. In connection to Mr. Salonga’s An Educated Man, I am a future educator, a future provider of wisdom and knowledge to my students. Aside from sustaining and providing my students an enough knowledge, I also want to share my thoughts and experiences through teaching. I want to touch lives and I guess it is good and overwhelming to see little children grow up and transform from being childish and immature to a man that should be. I want to inspire students not just by showing them how good I am academically but how I grew up as a teacher. Because for me, teaching is not just a profession, it’s a life. Educators are the light of every student’s path, they just not simply stood up in front of the class and teach, they also guide the students because it will reflect to the student if you are really a good teacher. Students should not just acquire knowledge but apply every lesson they got to their teacher because it is the partnership of a teacher and a student that produce an educated man plus factor is the experience. An educated man is not just an great and intelligent but a man with courage and passion and a man who has a positive outlook in life and a man that still looks up above and thank Him even hoe successful he is now. Like Mr. Salonga said, an educated man should be living a good, meaningful and abundant life. In conclusion, it is better to have two good qualities to show what an educated man is. For me, they should have great mind and at the same time the courage and hardwork to accomplish every task life has to give. Education has a really great impact on a person’s future and it is really a great factor on honing a person’s brighter and successful life. Education is just a start of your journey in this cruel and silly. After graduation and outside the four-cornered room will be the realities and it is in your own hands how you will excel in life because in life it is not anymore getting high grades and awards, it is now how you face every challenge and survive.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Critical Analysis of an HRD Intervention (Human Resources Development) Essay
Critical Analysis of an HRD Intervention (Human Resources Development) - Essay Example arning is defined as organization’s capability to disseminate, exploit as well as to create and generate knowledge which is an essential resource and also increases capability of organizations seeking to maintain a cutthroat advantage in present marketplace. There are two types of organizational learning. One is exploitative learning and another one is explorative learning. The capability to acquire knowledge unquestionably gives sustainable benefit for the organization. Organizations which are capable in creating or innovating fresh knowledge and maintain that knowledge as well as to transfer this throughout the venture are more prolific as well as more capable in flourishing than their counter parts and are less skilled at the organizational learning (Carnegie Mellon University, n.d.). The HRD research and practice describes itself emphasizing in three main areas in the organizations workplace which critically covers adult education’s importance of learning or following subjects like career development, organizational development and training and development (Fenwick, n.d.). Along with intervention, orientation holds supreme importance in the arena of human resource development. Orientation basically comprises of the scheduled program that one undergoes when he or she joins a new company. Human resource development orientation basically aims a new recruit to adopt with the organizational culture. The present day organization as well as academia provides increased emphasis upon the orientation segment within the discipline of human resource development. The essay focuses on the requirement and involvement of orientation within the perspective of human resource development. An employee orientation program is very important for making the employee comfortable with his new surroundings and also making them understand the work ethics, culture of the company. In my orientation program, I was given a formal introduction to all my co workers by our HR personnel.
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Prepare journal entries to record transactions Essay
Prepare journal entries to record transactions - Essay Example For the buyer, the cash balance will decrease or reduce by the amount he used to purchase that item, and on the other handing he will have acquired a loaf of bread. On the side of the seller, his amount of cash will increase by the price of the loaf of bread and while his stock of bread will reduce consequently (Price, Haddock, & Farina, 2012). Accounting tries to record both two events of the transaction, on the financial statement of the business. Without the concept of double entry and maintenance of these accounting records, the records of the business or the company, will just show a partial report on the business or the company state of affairs (Stickney, 2010). Generally, the resulting effect of two entries is known as debit and credits. Accounting major principle is that for every debit entry, it must be followed by the subsequent credit entry. The debit entries are the ones that result from the increase in assets, and expenses and those which lead to the decrease in liabilities, equities and incomes. On the other hand, credit entries are the ones that lead to the decrease in expenses and assets, and those that leads to the increase in equity liabilities and income. A series of these entries must lead to the balancing of respective accounts. These accounts may be posted to one general account that has columns of description, folio, debit side and credit side. After the entry of each transaction, a brief explanation is made. This description must accurately explain the traction which took place so that any person who sees it for the first time will be able to understand what happens on the respective entries. Each and every journal entered can also be matched with the supportive document, which is relevant to the entry made. These supportive documents could be a receipt or check stub by the use of folio or code number. These folio number or code, cross reference between different documents. Large business
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
History of Calculus Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
History of Calculus - Essay Example scovery of calculus is endowed to two amazing mathematicians who were Isaac Newton, a noteworthy British mathematician and scientist, and the self taught scholar of mathematics, the renowned German mathematician Gottfried Leibniz, in the latter half of the 17th century (Ferreiros & Gray 22). The issues as to which mathematician should be held responsible for the discovery of calculus, the scholars happen to be divided. It was both Newton and Leibniz who registered noteworthy discoveries in calculus to be known as being the originators of calculus. As far as Newton’s discovery of calculus is concerned, it was more of an outcome of the need for a practical use of calculus, as he needed a discipline like calculus to solve the pressing problems in geometry and physics (Ferreiros & Gray 72). It was Newton’s endeavor to use calculus as a mathematical discipline that facilitated the solution of the scientific problems he delved on that made calculus possible. In contrast when one considers Leibniz, it was his fascination pertaining to the tangent line problem that made calculus possible (Ferreiros & Gray 72). The notion as to the creation of calculus gave way to one of the most ardently contested rivalries in the world of mathematics that was between Newton and Leibniz. However, the thing that needs to be understood is that calculus as people know it today is the outcome of the work of a number of mathematicians. Although Newton published his Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematics on 5 July 1687, yet the later mathematicians did make many contributions to calculus. The later day addition to the principle of calculus like differential equations and calculus of variations were published a little time after Newton and Leibniz did register their contributions, by mathematicians like Euler, Jakob and Johann Bernoulli (Ferreiros & Gray 72). It was the manuscript published by Bishop Berkley that enunciated the limitations inherent in the works of Leibniz and Newton.
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Forget the rhetoric. Look at the reality. The UK is as much an EU Essay
Forget the rhetoric. Look at the reality. The UK is as much an EU member state as any other. Discuss - Essay Example Despite the rhetoric, it is essential to note that the UK is an integral part of the EU and its proposed exit would not be as easy as it seems. This country has over the years developed so many ties with the EU that it would be impossible to imagine it existing outside the Union, especially when one considers the influence that it has within it. This paper seeks to show that the UK is as much a member state of the EU as any other and that its ties with the latter are so deep that they cannot be severed. The United Kingdom is one of the founder members of the EU and it is for this reason that this country has invested so much in it. The UK has been a member of this entity since 1973 and as such can be considered to be among the states that form the core of the EU (European Commission, n.d). The result of this membership is that the UK has since 1973 worked towards ensuring that its economy has become integrated with that of other EU member states and this has made it possible for the country to develop at a much faster rate. Following the massive dent that the Second World War had put on the UK’s economy, its joining the EU can be considered to have been a boon because it allowed for the faster development of the economy and this helped towards its recovery. As a founding member, the UK has a voice in the decision making of the EU and this has helped in ensuring that it retains its influence on the European continent; a factor that would not have been possible had it not been a member state. Moreover, the UK has developed strong political ties with other EU member states and this has ensured that negotiations concerning different issues take place easily and makes it possible for better cooperation between them (Schà ¼tze, 2012). The UK, like other EU members, has benefitted a lot from being a member because the Union has made it possible for the peaceful settlement of disputes that might have risen as a result of extreme nationalism and
Monday, September 9, 2019
Marketing Conduct of the Superdry Fashion Brand Label of UK Essay - 1
Marketing Conduct of the Superdry Fashion Brand Label of UK - Essay Example This paper illustrates that Superdry brand is owned by the Super Group Plc with two brands CULT and Superdry. The brand started its business in 1985 with inspiration from the Japanese streetwear having a combination of bright colors and graphical prints. The Japanese style was mixed with the British style and high-quality fashion product that captured the market significantly. The global presence of the business in different parts of the world is presented in the paper. The company has expanded from using the Wholesale business format to the retail format with the strategy of expanding revenues and profits. Superdry has the business model of expanding its base in the geographical territory. A review of the five years’ revenue and the business has been illustrated in the paper. Though the political conditions of the UK are stable, there are growing concerns in businesses with respect to the general election and along with the probable EU referendum to be held in 2015. Also, the independence of Scotland is to pose a challenge.Despite taking steps for the recovery from the economic crunch of 2008 and the inflation standing at 1.5%, the interest rate is maintained at 0.5%, to support the slowing growth. The competitive landscape is a critical for the business understanding, survival and winning a competitive edge. Superdry with its global existence has a deal with the range of competitive pressures in order to maintain the profitable balance. The leading competitors of Superdry include Primark, H&M, New Look and Rivers Island in addition to another leading fashion brand local and international players in both local and international market of its presence.
Mitochondria and Its Functions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Mitochondria and Its Functions - Essay Example The present paper has identified that mitochondrial chromosomes are inherited from our mothers. Although minutely small, mitochondria are of major importance to athletic activities because the increase in their density is associated with enhanced performance capacity ("Mitochondria Functions" n.d. para. 1). To answer the question on which between a world-class runner and a typical couch potato would have a much higher density of mitochondria from their sample muscle biopsies, it would definitely be the world-class runner because mitochondria are concomitant with exercise and physical activity. Furthermore, mitochondria are the only places inside the muscles where carbohydrate, fat, and protein can be broken down in the presence of oxygen to create the energy needed for exercise. As a consequence, the more mitochondria an individual has, the more energy that individual can generate during exercise resulting in faster and longer time doing running, swimming and other physical activities ("Mitochondria Functions" n.d. para. 2). Several studies have been done to document or otherwise prove that increased exercise generates a higher density of mitochondria. There are differences from these findings as to what type of physical activity generates more mitochondria such as intensity, faster but shorter duration or longer but slower duration. There are three types of human muscles: the cardiac, smooth and skeletal. The skeletal muscle is further classified into three types, which are the Type I, Type IIA and Type IIB fibers. Type IIB Fibers are white and geared to generate ATP or Adenosine triphosphateâ€â€an important carrier of energy in cells in the bodyâ€â€that is not able to supply skeletal muscle fibers continuously with sufficient ATP and have a fast concentration velocity. Type IIB fibers are found abundantly in the muscles of the arms (â€Å"Muscle†, n.d.). In one of the studies dealing with mitochondria, researchers were able to differentiate its effects depending on the type of muscle.
Sunday, September 8, 2019
DIGITAL AND INTERACTIVE MARKETING Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
DIGITAL AND INTERACTIVE MARKETING - Essay Example Company profile and concept Aviva plc is one of the world’s largest insurance companies. It has about 46000 employees and 28 countries. In UK the company’s strategy is to establish itself as a single global organization that is relatively quicker at fulfilling customer needs. And to support this strategy of theirs they needed a modern human capital management system. Later in 2010 Aviva introduced workday as a global solution to this concern. (Stobbart) Aviva has been a market leader in UK and was best known with its older name which was Norwich union. The company’s main spheres of operations are in Europe and although it offers general insurance and other financial services, it generates most of its revenues from pensions and life insurance. The marketing team of aviva takes care of its marketing and retention strategies, member benefit development for the health insurance business and product strategy. Aviva’s sales team looks after the development and d elivery of sales of aviva in its markets Issues with online presence When Aviva started to venture online it met different degrees of success. However some issues faced by the company with its online presence was because of the conservative nature of the insurance industry. There are quite a lot of technical issues that are becoming a problem. Also the complexity of all the technology involved in internet marketing has been very challenging for the company. Much of the technology used by Aviva is used to automate instead of changing already existing business processes. (Ward) The basic problem with the use of websites in internet marketing is that most of the times websites don’t appear in internet results for search words related to your business as a result of which your customers end up never having an access to your website. (Ashmore) In Aviva’s case Aviva has found online solutions for increasing its efficiency and to cut down on some paper work. These online solu tions mainly focus on the needs of financial advisers. This was launched by Aviva in the UK. (Staff) Developing online strategy using new tools understanding and definitions This solution is for advisors e-commerce platform that was launched in June 2009 and now provides to around 40 000 investors tax, product and technical support related information. (Mail) One of the new features added to the company now make the advisors capable of monitoring and switching funds online on more than about 1.6 million investment bonds, group, stakeholder and individual personal pensions New feature is e-documents which provide the advisors an access to electronic version of client correspondence. (Stobbart) The online funds switch solution also has some other features like now customer signatures are not required as the online services get hold of the entire customer’s information and removes the need for their signature every time a switch is needed. Moreover, the policy fund research tool lets the advisors know which funds are available to switch and an online compliance record of each switch is available. Lastly, a client confirmation letter is automatically issued for each client after every fund switch is done. (Publications) (Berthon) Now talking about the e- documents system, it gives to the advisors access
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Etihad Airways Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Etihad Airways - Case Study Example His major aims were to increase the profitability and the yield by 2010. In order to satisfy this condition, James came up with a second bag charge to be imposed on the customers. The case also gives out certain aspects of the future plan of the airline. The airline has placed an order for 205 aircrafts for $43 billion. This will increase the fleet size to 100 in 5 years. This move will generate more revenue as the capacity of the airline will increase. The case says that Etihad Airlines gives much importance to customer value. They have a loyalty program for their customers which is called Etihad Guest. It includes features like, immediate rewards, no black-out periods, anytime availability, widest choice, miles plus cash, miles that are worth more and family membership. They had high end redemption awards. The case further says that the Indian market shows much stronger signs of improvement. Given, the current scenario, a passenger seat load factor of 76-77 percent is being expecte d. The Etihad Airlines is under a major issue of profitability and yield. James was hired to take the airline to profits by the year 2010. However, the chances seem to be slim. The International Air Transport Association has showed concern and has estimated that the global aviation industry will show a global net loss of $5.6 billion in the year 2010. To face the problem, James has ann... However, the chances seem to be slim. The International Air Transport Association has showed concern and has estimated that the global aviation industry will show a global net loss of $5.6 billion in the year 2010. To face the problem, James has announced the charging of second baggage to customers to increase revenue. However, the major question which it posses it is, whether such a move is profitable I the short run as well as the long run. And also what are the other options to achieve the target as well while maintaining the customer value or adding it. Literature Review Profitability is the term used to describe the ability of a company to earn profit (profitability definition). Passenger seat load factor is the measure of the airlines passenger carrying capacity being used. Second Baggage is the fees charged by an airline for carrying excessive baggage. Value proposition states that the functional and emotional benefits attached with a product or service is communicated in such a way that it appears higher than the cost of the product or service to the customer (Philip Kotler, 2009). A tool to identify ways to create more customer value is the value chain (Philip Kotler, 2009). The value chain shows the primary activities and the supporting activities of the business which together create value for the customer. Source: (Philip Kotler, 2009) Etihad Airways Strategy (Hogan, 2008) Etihad Airways does a lot of innovation to keep up the standards realistic to the market place. It has a clear policy of providing the customer with the best that there is. They have been using the below mentioned techniques: To reduce the costs they have been reducing space within the aircraft by maximizing the number of seats to the extent possible. They have been trying
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